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Is anyone else going through this?

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So my boyfriend and I have only been dating for 6 months, but we are crazy about each other! I go to college in Texas and he is stationed in the Navy in San Diego. He lives in the town I go to school in so I get to see him when he comes home on leave. However, he is going on deployment for 6 months starting in May and he will barely be coming back in time for our 1 year anniversary. It is hard because we hardly get time to talk now and it is just going to be even less when he goes on deployment.


He just came on leave and was here for a week...he just left this past Sunday. It is hard because he makes me so happy and I absolutely love being around him and just hanging out with him. I truly believe he makes me a better person and I can completely be myself around him (which has never happened with any other guy I have dated before). I am having alot of family problems right now (plus finals with school) and it is great having him around because he listens and cares and makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. He is my support system! Right now I am depressed because he is not here and scared he won't be coming back or something is going to happen.....and he tells me not to worry about him but I can't help it!


It is just really hard, but I know this is going to make us stronger in the end. I was just wondering if anyone else in a LDR feels the way that I am feeling? How do I deal with him leaving and the distance? I am trying to stay strong and just keep myself busy, but I am so sad right now.

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*hugs* This is a good time to learn how to rely on yourself to be strong. To be your own comfort. You just have to trust that things will be alright. Send him out into the world with your love and all of the hope in your heart. My bf just left recently for 3 months, so I totally know how you feel. It's so hard! I am here if you need to talk or vent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing to put on your LDR is to trust each other.....If things going bad likes he won't come back to you at least you will be ready of these things happen. You will be strong after all.... Me, my LDR is worst than yours but i think its more worst if i break him up, Im not worried if hes not coming home or he stop loving me or else.....we are in 5th year anniversary relationship... In the beginning i feel like that "sad" but in more more months passed by, our LDR are getting stronger, and now i can feel he loves me, he missed me, he wants to be around with me but he cant coz hes far.....


I observed that my LDR is getting stronger by communicating everyday, e-mails with photoes together with fun photoes, text/calls everyday, express the feelings how empty if hes not around....then be positive, comments him nicely, send him jokes as well, as soon you get a reply thinks he there thinking of you too.


Have a nice day.


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I feel for you. I am in a LDR with a Marine... he wasn't one when we met, but since he became one, there's been a lot of distance between us. It is hard, but just make sure that you communicate and trust eachother. The Navy is not exactly something that encourages abstinence, so you will at least find out if he really loves you enough to stay true. You will be sad, but just try to have some fun time for yourself and talk to him whenever you can. Don't worry too much, it won't help anything.

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This must be a really sad time for you, but your first job is to take care of YOURSELF when your guy isn't around. It sounds as though you really need to establish a support system - not just one person, but several if you can, and make sure you keep up activities which make you feel good about yourself. This should lessen your worries, which in turn will lessen his worries about you and give you a more rewarding relationship when you are together.


If you're feeling really sad right now, stay with the feelings. From your post, it looks like there's a lot to be sad about - apart from him leaving - and it may be that talking to someone who's professionally qualified to help with all this stuff could be your first step. Sometimes the strong thing to do is to ask for help!

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My bf has been gone for a month today and we have 3 months until I will be going to where he is to be with him. we talk as much as we can on msn and we sms..but geez it's hard! I go through phases where I am ok then he will call me drunk from a pub and I will get all paranoid. its amazing the stupid stories I can make up in my head! What I'm learning is that he loves me and the fact that we speak everyday shows me he is committed. Sure I'm scared that he will meet someone else or forget about me...I trust him though and i keep believeing that if we are meant to be it will work and if it doesnt then thats how it's meant to be. The old saying is "If you truly love something set it free, if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn;t it wasn;t yours to start with"..this is true. I'm just keeping busy and spending time with friends...doesn't mean I don't cry myself to sleep and find comfort in sleeping with his tshirt smelling of his aftershave (sick I know...but I love him)....but I just stay positive and believe in my heart that our love is real and we will last! You can do it too!

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Hey, I am in a similar situation as you because my bioyfriend and i were dating around 6 or 7 months as well before he left to go to medical school. the first week when he left, i felt really depressed and soo sad. the second week i also felt really sad because he did not return my call nor did he respond to my emails. but he did evneutally call. i think what you should do is talk to him about maintaining the relationship, how frequently you two should communicate and such. i haven't done tht yet because i don't want to be troublesome to him...so we'll see how i fare. i think about him a lot though and a lot of times, i feel a bit jealous when he mentions he went out with a group of girls or something. i also feel pangs of anger when i hear how he would go out drinking almost every night because those nights, i probably felt sad thinking about him...what can you do though....i am working on staying really busy so i don't have to think about him not being here. i cross my fingers and hope this works out though, as i hope it works out for your long distance relationship as well! do message me if u ever need support or anything

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