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I just want my stuff back!!!


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My ex and I broke up about three weeks ago because he needed a break for the stress and drama, whatever that means. Anyway, I'm totally over it, no hard feelings, no really feelings for him at all really.


The only thing is that he still has some of my stuff and I want it back! I texted him about 2 weeks ago and asked him to send it back to me but he gave me some lame excuse about being really busy and stressed out and how he just needs a break. We live about an hour and a half away or i would have gone and gotten it back myself, but I really don't want to spend 100 dollars on gas just to get it back. He hasn't acknowledged me since, and I don't know what he's done with my things, I feel like they're being held for ransom. It's moving in to that area where its just straight up rude and immature, and I don't want that kind of presense looming over me.


How can I get him to man-up and send me my stuff back and at the same time, make sure it doesn't come back to me in pieces?

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Well what kind of stuff is it? I have found that unless the items are priceless... its best to just let them go. Usually these items are a lot easier to replace than to make a fool of yourself trying to get them back or having to face your ex again.

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Well they're DVDs that I got as a birthday present and mixtapes that a friend made that have serious sentimental value... I know it sounds dumb but it's really important that I get them back.


I'm just so frustrated that he can't just be mature, it would take him ten minutes and 6 dollars tops to send them to me... Unless he just wants to be a jerk, I don't see why he wont send them back.

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There are some people who just think that if you loan them something it is for keeps. I once loaned someone a book and I had a very hard time getting it back from her...even when she was going to be leaving town for good she was stalling on giving back the book....until I kicked up a big fuss....then she got snarky with me like I was making such a big deal out of nothing. You might just have to pick them up yourself if you want them back.

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Well they're DVDs that I got as a birthday present and mixtapes that a friend made that have serious sentimental value... I know it sounds dumb but it's really important that I get them back.


I'm just so frustrated that he can't just be mature, it would take him ten minutes and 6 dollars tops to send them to me... Unless he just wants to be a jerk, I don't see why he wont send them back.


did you two live together?? if not, why would he have mixed tapes that a friend made for you?

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I dont think that it has anything to do with the fact of you getting those items back. It sounds like you are just hanging on to any reason at all to contact him.


Go to Wal-mart and buy those DVD's again. Have your friend make a "re-mix" tape for you.


Those items are EASILY replacable. I would never go through that much trouble for a few DVD's and a couple of cd's that my friend can "re-burn" for me.

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I brought them to his house one weekend and I left them there because he hadn't seen all the episodes in the season and my CDs were in the same case. I didnt mind leaving them there at the time because I thought I'd be seeing him again the next weekend, but he called me and broke up with me in the middle of the week, so no such luck.


Its not the same to go buy them or have someone remix them, because they were presents and I feel awful and insanely guilty not having them in my possession. It's not so much what they are but what they represent. The only reason I want to talk to him is because I think I deserve an explanation for why he's being so immature and disrespectful.

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I wish my ex came and got her stuff. Instead she stops by every other day to get something. This has been going on for 3 weeks it's driving me nuts. This weekend I am taking everything to her parents and changing my locks

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No, I don't honestly think he's going to give me an explanation, I really just want to move on with my life and the only thing left is just to get my stuff, and i'm not even asking him to drive the 2 hours it would take to get to my house to give it to me. A couple dollars in postage isnt asking too much is it?

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