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How to answer


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So my husband and I are splitting after less then 2 years of marriage and what I have noticed is that the first thing people seem to ask when they see me (acquaintances and such) is how's married life...

How do you answer this question and do i have to answer? can i keep it to myself...

serious and amusing answers welcome!

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it was fun while it lasted. the sex was great but we fought over who cooked dinner.


LOL....and who would wash the dishes.

I get the same questions..and whats more amusing is...my ex is sometimes with me when I tell ppl we got a divorce last year. They look at him...then me...then him....LOL

You don't have to tell them anything if you dont want to. Just say it ran it's course.

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I'm an expert at evasion of invasionary questions.


Determine and sort out who is doing the asking ie: what catagory of your life they inhabit. Do they need to know the details or is saying "it didn't take" followed by a grimice be enough. If they pursue (some people are sooo nosy) just continue grimacing and then ask them about their marriage...or lack of it.


Other people perhaps should or deserve a little more background and detail. ie: they inhabit a more "important" place in your life or they are particularily sympathic.

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LOL....and who would wash the dishes.

I get the same questions..and whats more amusing is...my ex is sometimes with me when I tell ppl we got a divorce last year. They look at him...then me...then him....LOL

You don't have to tell them anything if you dont want to. Just say it ran it's course.


If your ex is with you when you're asking, then just say "turned out he's gay. Go figure."

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I'm an expert at evasion of invasionary questions.


Determine and sort out who is doing the asking ie: what catagory of your life they inhabit. Do they need to know the details or is saying "it didn't take" followed by a grimice be enough. If they pursue (some people are sooo nosy) just continue grimacing and then ask them about their marriage...or lack of it.


Other people perhaps should or deserve a little more background and detail. ie: they inhabit a more "important" place in your life or they are particularily sympathic.



Evasiveness through humor is a good goal.


You: "Well, we spent all weekend at Home Depot shopping for supplies for the new white picket fence we're constructing in the front yard."


Them: "But you live in an apartment. You don't even have a yard."


You: "Exactly."



or, you could just lend out a great quote:


"Vows are often made in the state of innocence and broken in the light of

experience. Of this I am positive."

-- Steve Hogarth, Marillion

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Hey kuiks!


I had this question last week also:



I've told a few people, I use my instinct which has been pretty good. The ones I've told have been supportive and sympathetic, people I don't want to tell I shrug and say nothing and usually the silence makes them change the subject.

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Hey kuiks!


I had this question last week also:



I've told a few people, I use my instinct which has been pretty good. The ones I've told have been supportive and sympathetic, people I don't want to tell I shrug and say nothing and usually the silence makes them change the subject.


Thanks coco!!! i totally missed your thread last week!!!

Ps that was super fun last night..the psycho thread that is!!! thanks for posting it!

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We kept things hushed up for about a month. My business partner and a few others knew, although my ex denies it, I'm sure slimeball knew and I believe one of her close friends also knew. We pretty much acted like a married couple around people we knew until the end. Now, when people ask me "where's your wife", I just say "She's not my wife anymore." They always say "I'm sorry." I say "Its just life. It was what we both felt we needed to do." They don't need more details than that.

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We kept things hushed up for about a month. My business partner and a few others knew, although my ex denies it, I'm sure slimeball knew and I believe one of her close friends also knew. We pretty much acted like a married couple around people we knew until the end. Now, when people ask me "where's your wife", I just say "She's not my wife anymore." They always say "I'm sorry." I say "Its just life. It was what we both felt we needed to do." They don't need more details than that.


True enough! Thanks Eyes!!!


I would just tell them: Marriage is a fine institution but I got tired of being institutionalized.


nicely stated!!! I dig it!

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Well, coming at this from the other person's point of view...I wouldn't ask someone how their married life was unless that person was a good friend, but that's me. So in my case, I'd care enough to want to know that the marriage didn't work out. That's all you'd have to say. "It didn't work," or "Things didn't work out like I'd hoped." And leave it at that. You only have to explain if you want.

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