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any solutions; other person didn't want to have sex b/c too less privacy(studentroom)

Belgian girl

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I feel much less will to try (studying, staying awake while feeling pain, doing social/unpersonal conversations while feeling depressed and much different other thoughts..) when there is like nobody to care for neither share things with. Like a lot of things aren't worth that much if I can't see someone else happy to neither feel connected with other person. I miss it to have sex. I found myself able to do it without love but no idea at the moment about with who I can do it next. Though with love is much more beautiful (in my opinion) and guess I will always do it out of love.

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Does he know about your health issues, such as the danger of your heart rate increasing? Prehaps he is afraid something might happen to you if he has sex with you. Have you tried looking in your area for support groups for your health issues? I think that could be of great help to you, to see that you are not alone and also having others with the same issues to talk to. I am sorry you are having such a rough time. You are very brave and strong to be going to school at the same time you are having these problems. I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you.

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thank you

hmm.. he knows I had a sexrelation several weeks before and we almost planned to take sex and guess 'it has been inside me' already.. must really have been the privacy reason, I think. Never found out he says something around the thruth.

And now I'm feeling 'bad' b/c I haven't got like anything studied yet and missed lessons and exams are coming up within few weeks.

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Hmm.. sex makes me feel very connected and other things often a little bit. Especially when I found it hard to find people to feel psychically connected to (maybe b/c I don't 'feel' much or feel in disapointed about a lot of people) sex could do me so well to fill that place of emptyness. Guess that is my description in words for my feelings about what you asked.

I messaged the guy around half six in the morning (he wakes up at five for working) and sent as well in it that he needn't send back (I often send that to people just so it doesn't cost money and I don't expect an answer) to wish him good luck for working and to say I'm awake as well to study.

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sex is a physical act. it's for personal pleasure and for pleasing the one you are with. but it can mean more when you are with someone and exclusive with them. but having sex to have a connection is bogus and should not be done. you are going to be in a world of hurt when guys tell you they aren't connected cause they had sex with you.

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