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any solutions; other person didn't want to have sex b/c too less privacy(studentroom)

Belgian girl

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Like the title says. It's a friend of a friend that I met only once, meant to almost sure take sex with each other. It was second person for me to take sex with. Other was without (love)relationship as well and started about 1,5 month before, ended about twee weeks before this one.

I agree there's not that much privacy at my studentroom; people of the building could see the other walk out afterwards if they are in the hall at the same time. Neighbours etc. could hear the sound of having sex and/or the movements in the bed.

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is belgium really that conservative? or maybe there is a girl he has a crush on who lives down the hall from you and he doesn't want her to see him coming out of his house?


when i was in college, my neighbor was a girl who... uh.... no nice way to put this, had a new guy at her place every week. one morning, my friend came to pick me up at 6:30 AM, we were going to the gym together. as she was at my door, my neighbor's 'date' for the night came out and turned to my friend and was like, 'uh, hi, i was here visiting my friend...' turned out that that guy was interested in my friend and was trying to date her. however, i don't think he had much of a chance after she randomly caught him coming out of this other girl's apartment at 6:30 AM!!!

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@ annie24 : No, almost impossible he would have a crush or something with someone else around here as far as I know everything he says is true and he never comes around this city

thing would be, like he said, the fact someone could see him walking outside afterwards (after having heard that we were having sex (or maybe he meant especially the last fact))

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had a short chat on the Internet (short b/c he was going to go out) with him since my last message here and he wrote again that the distance is way too far (about a little half an hour by car) and now I'm feeling a bit heartbroken b/c felt like there finally is someone who seems to really care for and like me and that we are interested in each other and then something extern like distance seems to damage it

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how far away does he live? 30 minutes sounds like nothing to me. i think maybe he's not so interested, he's finding an awful lot of reasons not to have sex with you. guys who are into you aren't always like that. or maybe he does like you and doesn't want it just to be sex? or, maybe he isn't interested in a sexual relationship with you, for one reason or another. it's usually not very difficult to talk a man into sex unless he isn't into you.

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He has to work long days (5 hour in the morning to start) and fitness and exercise often in the evening. Before we met in real he wrote on the chat already that we could have good sex but more won't be possible b/c distance is too far for that.

Thnx for the help.

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Also, I'm still wearing wigs, sleep like half the day b/c of the situation of my health, are in depression, have a way smaller room than he expected, not enough privacy to have sex here - like he said -, when I sent several messages yesterday he wrote I shouldn't b/c messaging costs money and he is available to chat on the Internet.

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yes, was thinking about making another threat about that again (already made about half a year ago - I guess - but I've new questions going on my mind)

my health.. I've got total hairloss (called alopecia areata), almost sure caused after a period of heavy stress

Psychiater diagnosed last summer a depression and high fear disorder and concentrating problems

Gland (think that was the translation, here it's called 'lymfeklier' in my neck is swollen for about 3/4th year and it hurts and cause tiredness.

I also have biggest part of the symptoms of the chronic tiredness dicease (litterary translated )

Last year I slept about 2/3th or 3/4th of the year between 16 and 20 hours every 24 hours.

I've been in life danger last summer; got heavy attacks of my astma and could as well ended up death (I almost wasn't able to breath and didn't call for help)

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I feel frustrated about my life. My exams are coming up within a week and it would be my last chance b/c it's a resubscribtion this year and I needed special admission (which was hard to get). And director of studentadministration (who has to decide if you get the permission) told me she thinks it would be best that I spend this year at working at my health and being busy with my body. But first part of the year up to about three weeks ago I've been working parttime up to fulltime (with a short break and that period I slept that much again). Since I stopped b/c of my exams I almost haven't done any studying.

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i wouldn't worry so much about this guy, just focus on your health and doing what it takes to get better. good for you for working so hard! have you tried yoga ever? that has helped me a lot. dance too. my asthma has gone down a bit since i've gotten in better shape. i still have it, but much more infrequently.

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I started feeling better and feeling of safety that there seemed to be someone who likes me and often asked how I felt etc. and seemed he really cared (and still does) for me without having advantages (as far as I expect but really think there won't). So now the feeling of being a bit disapointed and not having enough strenght to do much about it or to try. If my health was like before, I'm almost sure proposed to travel to him. Two days ago I wrote him that if I had more money from working or b/c a familymember died - what happened - I would offer night in a hotel.

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haven't tried yoga yet.

can't practise sport since bad health condition b/c too high heartrate (about 165 BPM at rest and while practising over 210 BPM (even by just slowly walking at a runningmachine), only thing sometimes went 'low enough' was cycling slowly at a cyclingmachine.

I'm tired very soon and almost 'content' when I get the mainthings on a day done like buying food, eating, taking a shower, washing my clothes, checking my mail, cleaning a bit.

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It does so well to care for someone else, especially when the other likes me in return and I'm really interested in the other like this one seems to me.

I feel alone very often and/but being with others usually makes me feel more lonely. Is like only very selective selected people to go on with do me well. Especially when it's personal/intimate enough and I feel understood and when it doesn't make me feel very useless.

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before we met he also typed it started to give him less interest that I was talking (writing) about other guys (like flirting/being enthousiastic about them) but it didn't had to do with much love and I was used to talk about others by everyone of them (which I understand could frustrate them) but I often did it in the hope they would try harder of become more personal.

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I interpretate my situation as unfair b/c I feel like I can't help it I can't follow all the lessons I want and neither study very much though it really interests me.

Before I used especially sport to keep me concentrated and for giving a lot of discipline.

I have to finance myself too.

Starts to frustrate I'm bald too b/c it starts going on so long.

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