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Boyfriend wants to be with other girls


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As someone who's other had cancer, I could give a rats a** about sleeping with someone else...she was the most important person in the world to me...sex...not even on the horizon. I took care of her, first and foremost. My feelings went way to the side.

I hope he grows up!


yes, when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, my mom took total care of him, tending to him day and night (and might i add, ignoring mine a bit, which was fine, i understood). i certainly didn't see my mom worrying about her sex life or going off and meeting other men. she just wanted my dad to get better.


i am sooo sorry you are going through this. i hope your cancer goes away, and i hope that you consider getting rid of this bf too. doesn't sound like a good guy to me at all.

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I agree with the other posters. He is indeed being selfish and cruel. How he can even look at himself in the mirror is beyond me. Someone dealing with cancer should not have to deal with a partner looking for notches on his bedpost. He knows your vulnerable right now and need help so he is taking advantage figuring you need him and will accept his terms of having sexual encounters with others. When you are going through chemo, your immune system is down...you should not have to be exposed to anything he might catch from other women.


i agree, this is such a good point. he shouldn't be putting you at risk of getting an infection, especially now during chemo.

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As someone who's other had cancer, I could give a rats a** about sleeping with someone else...she was the most important person in the world to me...sex...not even on the horizon. I took care of her, first and foremost. My feelings went way to the side.

I hope he grows up!


and she was blessed to have you KG...you are a far better man then the person the OP is dealing with...and although the guy she is with is a complete jerk for even bringing this up at this time, the answer can't simply be leave him, there have to be support systems etc set up so that if/when you do ask him to leave you will not suffer further at this horrible illness....

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