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I signed up on this forum just last week and was asking about the sexual tension myslef and my wife have been having for several weeks, and I would like to thank everyone who replied.


unfortunately, the reasoning behind the absense of sex was because she was having some personal issues with my career choices. After sitting her down Friday night after work, I learned that she was no longer happy in our relationship, and had seen a lawyer earlier that week to start divorce papers.


So, what do I do now? I have returned to work this mornig and have found it very hard to concentrate. Right now, she's back at the house packing a bag and will heading back to her hometown and staying with her parents.

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I am sorry to hear this Canadian.

Is there any way you are able to get some time off work for the next week or so? Some people use work as a shield to distract them, where as some others find work intolerable durting this type of painful event.


I wish you luck moving forward during this time.

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