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meeting up with an opposite sex internet friend while in relationship. yes or no??


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in a way i kinda feel like he wont meet me in the middle very much.. like i have to find a way to stop being so insecure and needy etc and then it'l all be ok between us coz i wont start all the arguemnts coz of my insecure questions. i feel that if he loves me he could accept that i am not hard nosed like him and i do have my insecure moments and to be understanding about it and respond to my questions (no matter how silly they may seem) in a cool, calm n understanding way... then it wont lead to any arguments (i dont think). yea i do feel he is expecting me to do all the work and work on myself to stop being so insecure but maybe he needs to work on himself with his anger problem and his not being able to understand that not every human being can be so hard nosed as he is

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Um, I still have to ask why you are so involved with this man over the question of being with another person? I can hear that you love him, but the *but I'm in love with him* reflex response does you absolutely no good in this situation. If I weren't married or engaged I'd just let it go for a while. Tell him you need a two week cooling off period to think about it all.



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