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haha so funny story...im single now...

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well went on again off again with my old obsession...got her to come back and was on better terms an actual good relationship but over the last week i just felt like it wasnt all there...maybe im naive for wanting the hollywood fairy tell of being madly in love but right now im not ready to settle for less and maybe in time ill realize that...thankfully we were both on the same page so surprising it went really well...i know those who have followed my post are gonna be like god im such a what ever cause i was talking about how great things were and giving advice on it but i think for the most part i was trying to fool myself into believing that...anyway...guess im single now...kinda feel relieved...is that sad?...dont know but its how i feel.

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i guess my dilemma now is that she wants to be friends and honestly i dont know if i really want to...but i dont want this to take away from the fact i did care about her but that honestly i just dont see us being friends...i think shes kinda selfish in that department...i think the part that bugs me the most is because her family had all these negative thoughts about me and i feel if i just leave ill be validating them when they arent true....i know i shouldnt care but some part of me wants to stay her friend just to shove it in their face lol...

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well that would definitely be the wrong reason to stay friends...if you don't feel being friends is realistic or what you want then again you need to follow what is best for you...

Don't worry about her family...you have to do what is best for you and dealing with family disapproval can be incredibly stressful...

It sounds like you are pretty clear about where you are at and what you want so keep reminding yourself of those things in times of doubt...

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I think you can and should feel relieved, but don't waste energy on wanting to shove things in her family's face... How about you just breathe deep, smile, and move on. Don't even speak to her again. She'll be okay, and it's less work for you. Good luck!

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