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I just gave my ex the "I cant be friends with you anymore" speech. And I feel like crap. I love this girl so much. Hate this. Im kinda regreting it. Hurts so bad.

*jeez someone send in the clowns*

I feel like the loneliest person in the world.

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was the right move...get out there experience new things flirt and chat with new women...maybe at some point you can reopen the lines of communication but not allowing them to have their cake and eat it too is essential to your own self growth and recovery...you made a good move now stick with it...if you go back too soon youll come off pathetic and weak in her eyes and think about that every time you have an insane urge to call her...

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I'm so sorry. Of course you hate this, it hurts a lot, it's separating you one more time. Can you be proud of yourself that you took care of yourself this time?! YOU DID IT, you put yourself first. That is a huge step, to be thinking of yourself and not wanting any more pain for YOU.


Are you getting the support you need from family and friends?

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I'm sorry honey! but look at it like ripping the band-aid off quickly rather than one hair at a time.


If she made a mistake with the breakup, she may not really realize it til you aren't around as a security blanket.


And if she's really made up her mind and it is over, sticking around her will just torture you and you won't move on and suffer hurt again and again missing what you used to have with her and being reminded of that and wanting more from her.


So it will really hurt for a bit because you ripped the bandaid off quickly, but you will start healing right away too, just won't know that.


Think of it as giving you information you need too. If she'll let you go, then she didn't really seriously intend to get back with you. People don't let people they really want get away. It tells you what you need to know, and you can move on.

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I just gave my ex the "I cant be friends with you anymore" speech. And I feel like crap. I love this girl so much. Hate this. Im kinda regreting it. Hurts so bad.

*jeez someone send in the clowns*

I feel like the loneliest person in the world.


Well it does hurt to say it to her, but if she broke up with you the hurt is bound to come no matter what you do. Having her as a halfway friend won't really make you feel all that much better either. You will feel good if you remain friends then keep feeling like crap over and over.


At least this way you feel like crap and get it out of the way all at once vs replaying a scene from Groundhog Day over and over again which is what happens most of the time to people who can't bear to break the friendship from their ex's.

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I did the 'cant be friends anymore' 5 days ago when she told me She'd met someone. It hurts so bad - This is now the fourth time we've said goodbye for various reasons so I know whats coming and I don't like it one bit. So, what happens last night? I get a message on facebook from her wishing me happy birthday saying she'd thought about me all day. Why o why do they do it. My thinking changes daily but when you a best friends with someone, soulmates if you like how can you just abandon each other like that. 'how can someone call you their best friend if they keep hurting you so much?'

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JCR..good choice! Friendzoning is no fun. I am very much against it...for me personally I have never remained friends with ex's. Too hard, too weird! Prevents you from moving on and why be friends with someone that does not want you in their life anymore? When you get dumped, they are telling you they don't want you. So be brave and be strong and give them what they want!


Yes, it hurts now but it will get better. It will also allow you to heal and move on!

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its funny because i love that groundhog day movie. lol. i hate this because last night when i talked to her face to face. she didnt seem happy and from what shes told me shes been struggling with life since our parting. and so have i. makes me think that we need each other. felt like texting her the "i convinced the sun to come out for you" message i would always send her in the mornings so bad. but i didnt. it kills me. hate this horrible pain in the pit of my stomach i get when i think of us. why did God bring us back together after so many years, only to lose each other again? and why so soon? i guess im not meant to have the girl of my dreams. theres a light which comes from within her, and like a moth to a flame, i burn.

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I woke today with an extreme longing for her. so much that I broke down. Maybe its because I can erase her number from my phone being the first of the month and all. I dont want to. I feel compelled to call her or message her. I hate this hole in my soul. I spent the whole day thinking of her. it seems that its getting worse. I feel like im falling further and further into despair. Im trying to keep upbeat. telling myself that its gonna be ok. Im begging God to give me strength to get through this and to protect my foolish heart. All this hell for my lost heaven. *wheres my ending credits*

This place is terrible.

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so i saw my therapist yesterday and i told her about the "talk" i had with my ex and how i felt like crap because of it. i asked what do i do? i feel like getting in contact with her so bad. but that my pride(ego) is stopping me from doing it. that and i have the insane hope that she will contact me in some way. miss her so bad its burning me up. she said to wait a week and see what happens. but what if she contacts me before that? what if she calls? do i answer? what if she sends me a message? do i reply? im so lost in my own mind. how do i find my way?

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