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Applicable Job skills or fun?

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Hi all,


I just have a quick question about a couple job opportunities I have for this coming summer and am looking to see what people have to say. To start things off I'm in college and am in my first year of studying to be a Landscape Architect. Within the past two days I've received two job opportunities for this summer; one being with a local Landscaping company, and the other working for the local sailing club on their maintenance staff.


The question I have is, which one should I choose?


On one hand I have a job doing landscape maintenance (pruning etc.) which is somewhat applicable to my career choice and would look good on my resume. While on the other hand I have the sailing club job that sounds like it would be extremely interesting and fun (just think after a day of summer work being able to go out sailing...). I'm at a point in my life where it's not necessary for me to have a directly applicable job (even though it'd be nice) and am wondering if I should choose the career builder landscaping job, or the fun and enlightening sailing shop staff job?


Any suggestions? Thanks!

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