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Just a quick question for everyone.So your getting off the phone with your SO and you say that you love them and they just say "you to."Do you think thats a big deal?Or should you just not even think twice about it and forget it?Just wondering

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I totally understand you. I pay close attention to small things like that.

If you're confident in how he feels and if he shows you that he loves you in other ways then it could be alright I suppose. Some people are more sensitive about small things than others. To me small things are important for instance. Everyone's different I suppose.


Next time, try saying something like "say it one more time for me" playfully or "tell me HOW much do you love me?" This should bring out a sensitive side in him and he'll remember to be more expressive about his feelings next time. Hope this helps

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Were other people around on his end? My boyfriend and I have been living together two years and say we love each other everyday, but I still find it weird to say it on the phone in front of people though. He doesn't have a problem with saying it, but I still get kinda embarrassed.


But if no-one's there on your guys' end, I don't know.

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Next time, try saying something like "say it one more time for me" playfully or "tell me HOW much do you love me?" This should bring out a sensitive side in him and he'll remember to be more expressive about his feelings next time. Hope this helps


Or it will make you come accross needy and just annoy him. It would annoy me.

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Or it will make you come accross needy and just annoy him. It would annoy me.


Yes, that would annoy me too. We say it when he hang up but to me when we say it then - it is a bit more perfunctory but it has another meaning for me too - I am one of those people who believe that with those you love, you should end each call like that if possible (with family too) because what if that was the last time you spoke to them? It's morbid, and I try not to dwell on that, but I do have that mindset of making sure that each call ends like that or at least on a positive note.

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