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S agapo

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ok, heres the story

i am on the dating site where i met my ex 2 years ago already. I am pretty sure he is on there too but with a new profile under a new name!


I viewed this profile few days ago, and this profile viewd mine. He hasn't inichiated any contact, cos of the obvious!


my question is, how easy is it to get the dumper thinking about us on good terms? I had photo there so he knows its me! (unless he has forgotton what i look like and who i am!! )


** Has anyone actually won their ex back by being back on the dating site where they met their partner?


my other concern is that he ''may'' be chatting to some new girl! Not to sure.


BUT Hell I AM FRIGGING Jealous. JEALOUS that he will meet someone and give them a chance!


I can't stop thinking about everything, and how much i wish we where still, and how much I do miss him even with the crap that i have gone thru.


I am trying to move on. Baby steps, but I feel i don't want to. I am chatting to random people from the site, but there is nothing in me thats interested or have any interest.

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You only *think* it might be him, you don't know for sure. Why are you on a dating site if you're not over him? And if you must be on one, why *that* one, knowing he might be there?


Do you know for sure he thinks badly of you? Even if he does, only he can change that, not you.

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When my ex left me, I found his profiles he had had for a long time (1-2 years) before he left. I created profiles because I wanted to see what he wrote .... it was worthwhile, I needed to know who I was dealing with.


He contacted one of both of my profiles and had a short online "relationship" with one. I laughed when he told "her" how he thought she was perfect for him, and he felt as is he had known her all his life. I quickly broke it off when he started getting too warm and fuzzy. Stranger than fiction.


I don't think you would "get" him back via online, if that was to happen, it would happen in real life.


Think about what your jealousy means, you have no claims to him, you need to work on letting that go, that will be a demon that will curse your forever if you don't put it back in it's cage.

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Seeing as you met on the dating site and then that developed into a relationship, reconnecting via the dating site would be ridiculous because that is for people who have never met each other, not for people who already had something together and broke up. Any contact should not be done via the internet...it should be done verbally over the phone and then meeting each other. Reconnecting via a dating site is not moving forwards and not even rebuilding...it is a big fat zero.

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You only *think* it might be him, you don't know for sure. Why are you on a dating site if you're not over him? And if you must be on one, why *that* one, knowing he might be there?


Do you know for sure he thinks badly of you? Even if he does, only he can change that, not you.


I ain't too sure if he does think badly of me. I am sure he is aware that he c*cked it up asking for space from me and pushing me to one side ignoring like he did. and i know i said alot of stuff thru being angry of the situation.


Reason why I went back to that dating site cos there are 3 which are within our ethnic community, and i would rather meet soemone from my own background. And he has old profile on the other 2 which were logged in some time ago!


I can't stop missing him soooo much, espeically today being our easter!

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Well.. You guys have been broken up and havent really spoken for the past year right? I think it's pretty much fair to say that he is talking to other ppl.

But thats why your also on there. To meet new guys right?

If you will win him back this way I dont know.. I havent had any luck being on the same networking sites as exes. (I know you asked about dating sites but I havent been on them ever.)

He disappeared if I'm not mistaken. Take the "if someone doesnt want to be a part of your life- let them go" approach.


I am sure he is getting to know other people.

In my case i have chatted to a couple, but its not in my heart.


Maybe it will be a good idea to keep away from the dating site.


I am feeling lost and lonely and so on...cos I want him back, and I am trying to get answers on how too. But there ain't really, is there? He knows my name, my number, where i live!

I am being hard on myself i know. Just another rubbish weekend for me. Dreading the next one, and the next and the next...

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I know on some sites you can block certain people..from either showing up in your search rpofile or from being able to send email etc...I did it with my ex. We are on the same site...I am pretty much over her but she isn;t someone I would date again so I remove ones that I don't want to keep showing up in my search. Sometimes you have to adjust your life to not deal with the pain, but sometimes not adjusting is a good test to see where you are in the moving on business!

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I ain't too sure if he does think badly of me. I am sure he is aware that he c*cked it up asking for space from me and pushing me to one side ignoring like he did. and i know i said alot of stuff thru being angry of the situation.


Reason why I went back to that dating site cos there are 3 which are within our ethnic community, and i would rather meet soemone from my own background. And he has old profile on the other 2 which were logged in some time ago!


I can't stop missing him soooo much, espeically today being our easter!


Just enjoy your Easter and don't think about him. Happy Easter.

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You only *think* it might be him, you don't know for sure. Why are you on a dating site if you're not over him? And if you must be on one, why *that* one, knowing he might be there?


i am 99% sure its him, and its actaully and sadly making me wana be sick at the thought just being sure he is chatting to some girl from there (at this moment). I am so jealous.

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I think you need to accept the fact that he will be dating others. The faster you can accept that, the easier it will get. You just have no control over it and you have to try to block it out of your mind and get on with your life.


I am trying to block it out and accept all but its just hit me a little bit more recently that a year broken up he will start looking if he hasn't been already. Im pretty sure he is at the mo chatting or getting to know a new girl from the date site (or even maybe from outside too). I feel I have lost. Its hard not to imagine him being with someone else in my thoughts; giving the attention, the affection, then the kisses and huggs etc etc..like he gave me once upon a time. Sad thought he even may give a LDR another try with someone else. I may be jumping the gun on that thought, but the thought of it saddens me cos we were in a LDR.


I guess the only way I am gonna get over him, is really meet someone else. But there is no one, and no one that matches what I want and look for; like I felt and saw with my ex from day one.


I don't really believe love at first site bcos i strongly believe love develops afterwards into the relationship on many different levels, but I think I got a bit hit by it with my ex when i first saw him. Thats the first time i have admitted that to myself and to anyone. wow! He really did not open his eyes and heart how lucky he was with me


I have to stop missing him, but I can't help it.

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