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I got an uphill battle here, need some advice.


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Quick background. There's this girl I at work I've known for about a year now, she's pretty, she's really nice, and my first impression is she doesnt consider me her type. Flash forward to recently, she's broken up with her boyfriend, she's dating this other guy from work (but it's fizzling out, and they aint really exlusive anyways), so I asked her out (my angle was "You need a break from jerks, let me take you out" basically). She considered it and well, we've got a date.


I plan to take her to mini-golf and possibly out to dinner, but I want to make this special for her, while I am ultimately prepared for it to amount to nothing, I would like to go into this date with the prospect of it resulting in (at the very least), another date. So what could I do to make it fun for her? Possibly showing her that I'm a good guy to be with, etc. Any advice would be appreciated.


Btw, if I was reading this thread and someone else posted it, I'd be wondering why the dude even asked a girl with these many problems out in the first place, so please, try to avoid posting stuff like that

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I think just being you is all you need to do.. If she likes that, then great! At the end of the day that is all you can do on a date is be yourself (sure the best possible part of yourself - positive etc)!


I hope it goes well for you!!



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Be genuine. Don't treat her OVERLY nice (kiss-ass). Don't compliment too much. Just be real. What does she enjoy? Dinner and maybe mini-putting?


Well, I mentioned ice skating to her but the other dude is taking her that, so when I mentioned mini-golf she said she enjoyed doing that as well.

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what can you do to make it fun for her? tease and have fun with it! watch your boundaries, but just relax and have a good time. As AngelEyez said, don't kissazz! In fact NEVER kissazz to any woman, at any time, ever lol. See what I would do may not work for you, but I know I would prolly play it up a bit and try to instill some competition in some way. Just if you do, never be serious about it and never go over the top about it.


Other than that man just enjoy yourself.

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I thought I'd post a follow up. I decided not to go through with the date. I know, I'm the one that extended the invitation, but I didnt really feel it'd be worth my time. That and I doubt my heart would have been in it.

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I thought I'd post a follow up. I decided not to go through with the date. I know, I'm the one that extended the invitation, but I didnt really feel it'd be worth my time. That and I doubt my heart would have been in it.


Too bad. You can't win if you don't play. Remember, a date is...just a date. No big deal. At worst its awkward or boring. Or perhaps it's great but there's no second date. Or maybe it leads to dating. Weren't you even a bit curious to see what would happen?

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