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Aww, I know how you feel. It's so sh!tty. And I'm totally with you all on the, "I love you and you're the only one for me." Then "BYE BYE!" a few days later. That like literally happened to me. But there were red flags everywhere, esp. those last few days before then, he was saying he was ill and didn't see me, but it all seemed very weird. And that night he went after an argument, he already was in a mood and distant, as soon as he walked in the door. Turns out he liked this woman and was trying to get wiht her, now they are together eventhough she turned him down a few times. Isn't life just lovely somtimes!

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Anyway, please don't tell me how I need to leave the relationship, etc. because I have and I'm not going back. It's just....how do you get past feelings like this? Feelings of rejection! Rejection from someone who told the world how much he loves you and that you were "the one." I just don't know what to do with it.



Oh pick me, me me...>>>


I know this one. ANGER! You got it. You're angry. Anger will get you through this one.

Anger got me over my ex in 3 months. I was fine and dandy from there and this ex was a sick mutha. Let me tell you.


Now once the anger subsides, you need to know this, NO ONE gets up in the morning wondering how to hurt someone. Your ex didn't want to hurt you, he was just doing what he knew and what he knew to survive another day.


I would not take ANYTHING he did towards you as personal, he hurts himself more than the people in his life.

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Oh pick me, me me...>>>


I know this one. ANGER! You got it. You're angry. Anger will get you through this one.

Anger got me over my ex in 3 months. I was fine and dandy from there and this ex was a sick mutha. Let me tell you.


Now once the anger subsides, you need to know this, NO ONE gets up in the morning wondering how to hurt someone. Your ex didn't want to hurt you, he was just doing what he knew and what he knew to survive another day.


I would not take ANYTHING he did towards you as personal, he hurts himself more than the people in his life.



I didn't think of it that way! You are right...he didn't plan it out. It's just all so sad! Good advice!!!

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Oh man, I remember that 70's song by Eric Carmen...the time of the tragic woe is me songs...I don't know if you ever heard that retched song "Seasons in the Sun". Get your hankie out!


I know "Seasons in the Sun"...won't be listening to that! LOL I can hardly listen to the radio!

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I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL WORSEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even read a stupid book because it makes me think about him! I bought it when I was with him. I keep remembering things he said when he was ending our relationship! I was that BAD that he couldn't WAIT to get me away from him!!! "You will find someone else as soon as you let go of me....I will always regret hurting you....I want you to move on!" Translation....get the HELL away from me! Crying again! Bad again! Feeling bad about myself! Unloveable!

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I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL WORSEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even read a stupid book because it makes me think about him! I bought it when I was with him. I keep remembering things he said when he was ending our relationship! I was that BAD that he couldn't WAIT to get me away from him!!! "You will find someone else as soon as you let go of me....I will always regret hurting you....I want you to move on!" Translation....get the HELL away from me! Crying again! Bad again! Feeling bad about myself! Unloveable!


but I wuv you


You're still mouring my friend. Let it out, type, talk about it. This will pass, I know it's hard to fathom, but it will pass.


I wish we were close, I would take you out to eat pizza and get u drunk

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I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL WORSEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even read a stupid book because it makes me think about him! I bought it when I was with him. I keep remembering things he said when he was ending our relationship! I was that BAD that he couldn't WAIT to get me away from him!!! "You will find someone else as soon as you let go of me....I will always regret hurting you....I want you to move on!" Translation....get the HELL away from me! Crying again! Bad again! Feeling bad about myself! Unloveable!


LitGirl....I know your relationship with your ex was a lot more serious and committed than mine (ie you were engaged and together longer), but I know how you feel. My ex has said all these things to me post break up. How I'm not the type of girl who would be left on the shelf (eh....thanks?!), how amazing I am, how he wants me to move on and how he wants me to be happy (even though he shot himself in the foot by claiming he doesn't care about anyone's happiness but his own) with someone else and how he knows I'll find someone who will make me happier. Why do dumpers say this kind of stuff? Is it supposed to be some type of comfort? You're breaking up with me!! YOU'RE the one I want to be with.

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I wuv you too summer! LOL Thanks for your words Broken...I know how badly you were hurt! Taz...thank you for the hug, I needed it! You guys know me...I'm usually OK. I'm absolutely gutted right now! It could be the PMS. LOL All I know is I would do anything to get these thoughts to go away!

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LitGirl....I know your relationship with your ex was a lot more serious and committed than mine (ie you were engaged and together longer), but I know how you feel. My ex has said all these things to me post break up. How I'm not the type of girl who would be left on the shelf (eh....thanks?!), how amazing I am, how he wants me to move on and how he wants me to be happy (even though he shot himself in the foot by claiming he doesn't care about anyone's happiness but his own) with someone else and how he knows I'll find someone who will make me happier. Why do dumpers say this kind of stuff? Is it supposed to be some type of comfort? You're breaking up with me!! YOU'RE the one I want to be with.



I said that to him Broken....I said, "but I want to be with you!" I really trusted that this man loved me and that he was the one. Never thought he would reject me. I don't know if I can ever trust again! God help me find out what I need to learn from this! I can't see it...I can't see my future.

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I said that to him Broken....I said, "but I want to be with you!" I really trusted that this man loved me and that he was the one. Never thought he would reject me. I don't know if I can ever trust again! God help me find out what I need to learn from this! I can't see it...I can't see my future.


I know how you feel. I never exposed everything to a person before him. And I don't want to again. Because he supposedly embraced all that extra baggage as others may see it, and I did the same with him. And no one had made me feel that safe and comfortable and worthy of love. He says something along the lines of I got too close, too quickly?!? I didn't pry! And that he'll never let anyone else know all the stuff I do about him, his family and their past. It doesn't make sense.


I still believe he is the one for me, I guess he/his family just doesn't. Despite everything he said to the contrary all the time we were together. I really did think he loved me. I don't know what I know anymore. I feel like I've been had for a fool, and I told him as much. And I can't help believing he DID mean it when he said he wanted to still be with me in 5 years....he was genuine. I just don't understand what happened.


I guess I'm still struggling with this 360 emotional turn thing.

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I said that to him Broken....I said, "but I want to be with you!" I really trusted that this man loved me and that he was the one. Never thought he would reject me. I don't know if I can ever trust again! God help me find out what I need to learn from this! I can't see it...I can't see my future.


I would say that's when it's most exciting, when you can't see what's around the corner, but I understand that in your position at the moment it's not exciting, it just sucks! You will come through this, though. Really, you will. Let's have a $1million bet about that, so that this time next year I'll be rich.

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I would say that's when it's most exciting, when you can't see what's around the corner, but I understand that in your position at the moment it's not exciting, it just sucks! You will come through this, though. Really, you will. Let's have a $1million bet about that, so that this time next year I'll be rich.


If I HAD a million dollars (which I can't imagine will ever happen in my LIFETIME! LOL) I surely wouldn't be risking it on a bet!


Thanks for the vote of confidence though!

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I said that to him Broken....I said, "but I want to be with you!" I really trusted that this man loved me and that he was the one. Never thought he would reject me. I don't know if I can ever trust again! God help me find out what I need to learn from this! I can't see it...I can't see my future.


Wow that's exactly how I feel! I'm trying not to think about it. I'm trying to stay positive. I know that really doesn't help you when you're feeling like that though. Oh I wish I had something helpful to say like you usually do when I'm feeling low!!

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hey lit, how goes it?


remember a few days ago I posted on another thread that instead of forgetting him, thoughts of him were coming MORE often, and my feelings becoming more intense for some reason (the day I went out to get him out of my head and met coffee man).


Mustang said the same too, that he was thinking of his ex more not less etc. you are NOT ALONE. I think its the subconscious searching for them one last time before letting them go from our memory. (i've been doing a lot of reading this week can you tell? lol)


I can tell your a great girl. Good sense of humour and bright and breezy personality. Your going to get a great guy I can just feel it.


ps. I know your ex is British so can I just back up what eyes said about babes and darlin being just words. If I had a £1 for every time i've been called babes or darlin by the blokes at work/neighbours/workmen at the house/friends/family members/even the postman i'd be a rich woman!

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Lit - It seems to me that you've been having a rough days recently...I think it might be good for you to take a break from worrying about it...do some things for you. Take a trip to a spa, buy a new dress, hang out with me and Nick, get a dog, whatever works. You're spending so much energy on him and the relationship right now, and it seems to be taking a toll on you.

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Lit - It seems to me that you've been having a rough days recently...I think it might be good for you to take a break from worrying about it...do some things for you. Take a trip to a spa, buy a new dress, hang out with me and Nick, get a dog, whatever works. You're spending so much energy on him and the relationship right now, and it seems to be taking a toll on you.



eyes, right AGAIN

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to tell the truth Lit, just getting out of the house into the sunlight and going window shopping helps because it takes your mind off him even if its just for an afternoon etc



Ohhh girl...I have been shopping! Don't you worry! LOL

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Glad to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words! I miss him so bad it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to tell him!! How did your date go????


LITTTTTTTT babes xxx



my date went great! but or should I say BUT it reminded me of my ex because I found myself thinking he wouldnt have done that or he wouldnt have said that etc, so I was honest with the guy and told him that I had just come out of a two yr relationship.


In some stupid way, being with him reminded me of the sort of relationship I really want (ie, the comfortable one with my ex), so I've decided NOT to date yet till Im a bit further up the road. That said, coffee man totally understood and said lets do lunch once a month if your interested? to which I said yes.


All's well that ends well

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