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What to expect for 1st time pelvic/physical exam?

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Next sat i go in for my first pelvic exam/papsmear all that good stuff. i was just wondering what to expect and if there's anything i should do to prepare. i just got my period today so i hope that isn't a problem if it just ended the day before i go in. also what about pubic hair? should i trim up or does it matter? i dunno just all kinds of things. also i'm just nervous cuz i've been sexually active with my bf for 6 months and haven't gone in before.

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Hi part_of_italy,


If your period ended the day before, it's perfectly fine, just let them know. Don't worry about pubic hair either, leave it, they've seen it all. If it makes you feel a little less self conscious then go ahead, but they really don't care at all. It's okay to be nervous but you'll be just fine, just make sure you are 'clean' down there and relax when you go. Just remember, it's their job, you don't have anything they haven't seen before. Good luck!

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Next sat i go in for my first pelvic exam/papsmear all that good stuff. i was just wondering what to expect and if there's anything i should do to prepare. i just got my period today so i hope that isn't a problem if it just ended the day before i go in. also what about pubic hair? should i trim up or does it matter? i dunno just all kinds of things. also i'm just nervous cuz i've been sexually active with my bf for 6 months and haven't gone in before.


I've had several already. Not a big deal...although it may be a bit uncomfortable for about two seconds. It's a very quick procedure. Don't worry about the pubic hair at all. The doctor will ask you if you're sexually active and what you use for birth control, and if you want one prescribed to you. The exam itself has never taken over 5 minutes in my experience. You'll be fine. I'll admit the first time is a bit nerve-wracking with a doctor poking around there but it's over quickly.

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It's a nuisance like going to the dentist, but quicker. Just try to relax and it goes very quickly. Just shower and be clean, otherwise don't worry about it. The doctor does it 10 times a day so nothing surprises them. They're like a plumber looking at your plumbing so not embarrassing for them, and you shouldn't be embarrassed.

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Don't worry, they are professional and very quick about it.


The most uncomfortable part is when the speculum goes in. But its very quick, not even a minute, they just swab the cervix and take it out. They may also check your ovaries, which involves them inserting a finger or two in you, but to be honest..its very quick. Its probably the quickest part of an entire head to toe physical for me.

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Let your gyno know that your "time of the month" (I hate the "P" word, sorry girls) has just ended.


Some of the menstrual remnants (lol) might still be up there, and it can interfere with lab testing / results.


It's all really not as bad as people make it out to be.


I'd give it a good trim, btw, but that's because I have a slight aversion to pubic hair.

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Its cold and a little uncomfy, but its just on that list with 'the things you HAVE to do'.



I will tell you this.....I went for my annual last wk, I had to see another Dr. b/c mine is on maternity leave.....We went through the whole exam with the clamps...she removed the clamps and said "ok, fingers in" just to give me a little warning that she was going to check with her hand....then she says "ok, one in the bottom" and BAAM! ONE IN THE BOTTOM! I'd never had a Gyno do that before! It shocked the heck out of me. I even kinda laughed a little! I asked some of my friends and a few of their gynos do it too, but still!!! LOL

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Let your gyno know that your "time of the month" (I hate the "P" word, sorry girls)


Haha I just tell people aunt Dorothy has come for a visit. Once I said that to a friend (eyebrows raised in a 'if you know what I mean' sort of way) and explained what I meant (she didn't understand). She said it was the dumbest thing she'd ever heard. I said right there and then "Well, would you prefer I came right out and said I HAVE MY PERIOD?" - I said it loud enough for everyone around to hear it. Oh god the look on her face was classic, she was so embarrassed hehe never questioned aunt Dorothy's visits again

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Haha I just tell people aunt Dorothy has come for a visit. Once I said that to a friend (eyebrows raised in a 'if you know what I mean' sort of way) and explained what I meant (she didn't understand). She said it was the dumbest thing she'd ever heard. I said right there and then "Well, would you prefer I came right out and said I HAVE MY PERIOD?" - I said it loud enough for everyone around to hear it. Oh god the look on her face was classic, she was so embarrassed hehe never questioned aunt Dorothy's visits again


LOL. I've heard the far less subtle "Aunt Flo" used.

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Hmm.....I know when I get them I have to go mid cycle as if you period just ended it can interfere with the results of the pap (and they may come back with an abnormal result or need you to redo it).


I would definitely tell them, but you might you need to reschedule.


Anyway, it is certainly NOT my favourite appointment of the year - a few years ago I also had cervical dysplasia and had to get several treatments which lessened enthusiasm (but, it is good I DID find out and DID get treated or else things would of been far worse!) in going, but it is SO important.


First couple times it will more likely be embarrassing or a little strange for you, but it's not painful as long as you RELAX RELAX RELAX! Most places use disposable plastic speculums these days which really helps too....those metal ones were not fun....generally there can be a little "pinch" as they swab but it's over in a millisecond.


For me the worst part is the "hand" exam, they need to insert some fingers in your vaginal canal while pressing down on your stomach (palpating ovaries/uterus to check for cysts/fibroids/tumours, etc) and to me it always feels a bit weird (the palpation part itself).


Believe me, they have seen vaginas of all types. Don't worry about it. Just be clean (I always use baby wipes before or something just to make myself feel a bit fresher!).

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Haha I just tell people aunt Dorothy has come for a visit. Once I said that to a friend (eyebrows raised in a 'if you know what I mean' sort of way) and explained what I meant (she didn't understand). She said it was the dumbest thing she'd ever heard. I said right there and then "Well, would you prefer I came right out and said I HAVE MY PERIOD?" - I said it loud enough for everyone around to hear it. Oh god the look on her face was classic, she was so embarrassed hehe never questioned aunt Dorothy's visits again


Yes, I would not know what someone was talking about with "Aunt Dorothy" either...Aunt Flo I do.



Meh, I guess I am past those kind of things. Period seems way less strange or embarrassing then saying "aunt flo" or "on the rag" or any of the other million things does to me at this point in my life!

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