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im 19 and i have a 23yrs.old boyfriend..

when my boyfriend started his schoolyear my worries started aswell

we nearly 7mos.and we used to go out a lot..but because of his school,now we only see each other once a week..and its kinda feel frustrating for me..

hes so busy that he dont even have time to mail or call..and when i saw him it feels like he changed...he is not as sweet as he was before.. is he falling out of love with me?? or i am just imagining things becuase i dont see him much.. what should i do?

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Not spending time together, or the adjustment from spending a lot of time together to spending just a little bit can result in distance between you. Also, this is a time where he is growing and learning in college. Do you go to college as well? If so, you can probably understand that people have obligations and all sorts of things that take time away from spending time with the people that they love.


I don't think that this means your bf is falling out of love with you...he is probably just busy. Perhaps you should talk with him and tell him how you have been feeling lately, and ask him about his schedule and whether or not he might be able to schedule in another day or two of "couple time".

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Perhaps you should talk with him and tell him how you have been feeling lately, and ask him about his schedule and whether or not he might be able to schedule in another day or two of "couple time".


I disagree... I think she should distance her own self a little instead of coming accross as needy or demanding. She shouldn't be MEAN to him, just indifferent... Why make him a priority when he's only making her an option? When he comes around, make sure it is positive (ie. don't nag him) and this, combined with a perceived lesser availability, will encourage him to refocus on her.


If she tries to "communicate" she might be satisfied in the short-term, but eventually she is doing exactly the right thing to push him away. Doing this assures him that she is right under his thumb, and if anything it gives him the comfort he needs to pull away even further. Or, at the VERY list, her demanding more of his time makes her less pleasant and more of a job.


I think when a guy pulls away, a girl should take it as a clue that something needs fixing in the dynamics of the relationship. Good luck!

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