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im 17, I hate life, Everyday Going to school is a nightmare. I up my relationship countless times, I have tryed so many things to work on controling my anger, and ADHD and OCD, and everytime i go to the docter i find out somthing else is wrong with me. No matter how hard i try, i can't Put my mind to school even tho it is my futures, my relationship which means the most in the world i ruin, then fix then ruin. Im Sick of myself. I Try so hard to respect everyone around me, from my parents to friends. Yet I still Slip. Sure Ending myself will hurt everyone around me greatly but atleast i can't hurt people in the long term.


Im sick of this crap.


There is no point even trying anymore

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I am sorry you are going through such a hard time right now...I know how hard it can be to deal with and control anger...Are you seeing a counselor? I would definitely recommend talking about all this with a professional...And we are here for you..it will always get better, today is hard and its dark but each new morning comes with the opportunity to do things differently...

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Take a deep breath and calm down...relax. You have a whole life ahead of you and some great times that you certainly don't want to miss out on. Lots of great gifts await in the future and you'll look back on this phase you're going through now and shrug it off as no big deal.


Hang in there and keep writing to us your thoughts. Sometimes letting it all out helps.

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