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Ricky and Mary were seventeen

When they met in Geography class

On Friday Ricky was a football hero

Every Sunday Mary went to Mass


At Moonlight Gardens Pavilion

Two seniors at the Homecoming Dance

Ricky was thinking of college

Mary knew she had found her man


That spring Mary got pregnant

Soon after Ricky made her his wife

One day of champagne and wedding cake

The newlyweds began their new life


Mary had a boy in October

Two years later she gave birth to a girl

Ricky worried about his house and family

Mary had all she wanted in this world


Rick worked hard selling clean used cars

Sundays Mary waited tables at the Grill

His was a life one of quiet desperation

And he became tired of paying that bill


Now ten years has burned down that road

Ricky spends most of his nights at the Inn

Mary cries herself to sleep at night

Wanting happiness can’t be a sin

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