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Handling Stress

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I've recently started a new position at my job, I took over as Manager. Not something I ever saw myself doing but then I never thought I be a salesman either.


I find it hard talking about it as I feel like its a bit of a cop out, hence I'm doing it anonymously here. I am stressed. I don't think I should be stressed as its not like I'm a Policeman or something. I'm just a Manager with 8 or 9 staff under me including 2 other Salesmen.


Basically I feel like I have the shakes, I'm not sleeping right, I want to go to bed at 9pm, my libido has gone out the door, I am waking up at 3am, I feel like I'm regularly on the verge of tears, constant stomach ache, I'm not talking to my GF as I just want to blob in front of the TV when I get home, I constantly, constantly crave nicotine but am trying to substitute caffiene instead.


If it makes any difference, my GF & I quit smoking 3 weeks ago.


I need to be able to manage things a bit better otherwise somethings going to give & at the rate I'm going it may be the GF first.

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I think its about 2 things...quitting smoking is a huge adjustment for your body and your mind...you took your main way of dealing with stress out of your life and then added more stress with your new job....

I think you need to find new coping mechanisms...Meditation is amazing for stress...Yoga is great (yes guys do Yoga!!!)

I would maybe suggest taking 30 min before you go to bed to write out all that you have to do the next day, any concerns, deadlines, issues etc and make it a point to leave your worries on the paper (do it outside of your bedroom-make your bedroom sacred) Go for walks to clear your head-fresh air is great for stress...

Is the TV in your bedroom because studies show that having TV in your bedroom interrupts your sleep...

Have grace yourself you have had 2 major changes...

Congrats on quitting smoking!

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Quitting smoking and starting a new job with additional responsibilities at the same time is bound to be stressful. I think that some of the things you're going through..the shakes, interrupted sleep are due to nicotine withdrawal. The stomach aches and wanting to veg out in front of the TV when you get home could be more related to job stress. Are you feeling comfortable in your abilities to perform this new job?

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gambling and booze - JK


Exercise really, really does boost your energy and attitude. I find forcing yourself to smile even when you feel like dirt helps. Also, allow yourself some alone time but make sure you make an effort when you are with your GF to NOT take your stress out on her. Remember she is your life line in times of stress NOT your punching bag.

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Are you feeling comfortable in your abilities to perform this new job?


I should, I've been here 5 years but sometimes I wonder if it is all too much for me. Being a Salesman was less money but much easier, at least all I had to worry about was myself & my own stuff not have to think for everybody else aswell.


I'll try the writing stuff down thing & slip in some excercise aswell, only problem with that is when; its dark when I leave (start early to get a grasp on the day ahead) & its dark by the time I get home (I'm staying late to keep on top of it).


Alone time...............must try that


Thanks for the tips though

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Keep us posted. I went through a similar job situation last year...I've been in management for years, but this job new was just too much. It was a new position (a new company for me) after a large expansion and the job really was too much for one person to keep up with. I was totally stressed out and had to work overtime every night til atleast 9 and until 2 or 3 in the morning at least twice a week. They actually misled me at my interviews, as I had specifically asked about overtime and told them that I wasn't opposed to it once in awhile, but was not interested if it was a regular thing...they told me no overtime would be needed except once a year for the fun fair (it was a non-profit). It had a very bad effect on my health..I ended up on anti-anxiety drugs and was totally stressed out...my doc said I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, so I made the decision to quit (without having a new job to go to). A couple of weeks later I was dumped...talk about STRESS!!!! Interestly, my old job is now being performed by 2 fulltime and 3 partime people. I'm ranting here, but I'm just trying to make the point that you really need to watch yourself with this new job. IMO no job is worth your health, and it sounds like you're already having some issues. Keep a close eye on what's happening to you with regards to work and how you're feeling about it....personal happiness is far more important.

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I have a new take on this.


I believe that the stress is a large part of what you are going through, however there is also your quitting smoking.


Smoking releases sugar from the liver in to the bloodstream. thereforeeee when people give up smoking, they are loosing out on about a tablespoon worth of sugar from each cigarette.


This causes the effect of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which can cause unspecified anxiety, shaking, insomnia, etc.


Try eating frequent small meals - ideally 6 times per day. By doing this you have a constant levelled blood-sugar level.


Do you ever feel very tired after eating a meal? Especially a carbohydrate based meal?

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I have a new take on this.


I believe that the stress is a large part of what you are going through, however there is also your quitting smoking.


Smoking releases sugar from the liver in to the bloodstream. thereforeeee when people give up smoking, they are loosing out on about a tablespoon worth of sugar from each cigarette.


This causes the effect of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which can cause unspecified anxiety, shaking, insomnia, etc.


Try eating frequent small meals - ideally 6 times per day. By doing this you have a constant levelled blood-sugar level.


Do you ever feel very tired after eating a meal? Especially a carbohydrate based meal?


Really? I didn't realise that. I don't think I've ever felt tired after a meal but I'll take more notice now that you've mentioned it.


I think I'm getting there though. I just had a nice 3 day weekend & I'm feeling pretty relaxed, though slightly more tense now that I'm back at work. But I even managed tp slip in a spot of sexy-time last night We'll see how things go

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