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What do you do for fun as a couple?


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right now fun to us is watching "lost". we just finished season one and are on to season two. we have no money... we have no time really... so when we do have time we like to just lay around watching some lost. its a good show!


if we have money, we will go out to eat or something but thats really all we do

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Here's what my LDR ex & I did in our two 6-day visits together:


- Cook dinner together (THE BEST!!!!)

- Watch a DVD

- Roadtrip & stay in a motel

- Hike in the mountains or other outdoor spot

- Go to a museum

- Go out to dinner (both with each other and with friends)

- Go to the movie theatre

- Walk on the beach or other local romantic spot

- Paint or draw together

- Read books and/or listen to music together

- Go to the club and dance

- Stay at home and dance

- Go to an afterparty

- Get blind drunk and have her drive you both home in your car

- Grocery shop

- Take each other to the hospital if you get injured

- Visit one of your parents for dinner

- Go on a march for a cause you believe in

- Have as much sex as possible


That should keep you going for 12 days.

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A lot of times we stay in and watch movies, I'll make some snacks or drinks. My bf is a huge movie fanatic. When we go out we like to eat thai or sushi, hang out at a friend's place or go dancing in South Beach.


When we can we head to the Keys for the weekend or just a day trip to snorkel and eat pie.

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  • Go see movies
  • Grab a coffee/dessert somewhere
  • We are on a mission to try every restaurant in the city
  • Go out with other couples [dinner, clubs]
  • Stay in, make appetizer type foods and watch movies
  • Board games, video games, etc
  • Walks on the boardwalk, beach
  • Star gaze, sunsets
  • We usually hit up alot of local things like festivals, carnivals
  • Road trips to nearby cities and do some shopping
  • Hiking is huge for us in the fall
  • Mini road trips to explore nearby nature related things [waterfalls, hiking trails, scenic lookouts]
  • Cooking
  • Anything outdoors really, big into skating in the winter
  • Go to events, theaters, concerts
  • We love going for breakfast, and then crawling back into bed
  • Travel
  • Family events, like BBQs, cottages

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We went to a lot of zoos last summer.


We live 260 miles apart so quite often meet up in random towns for the weekend, so we do a lot of touristy stuff.


Occasionally, if he is staying with me for quite a few days we'll get a hotel just for one nigh for a change of scenery (plus I live with my parents...). When we do this we tend to lay in bedwith the TV on and I'll drink bottle of wine (to myself...).


I keep saying we should get a chess set but neither of us has gotten round to it yet.

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- Bars

- Clubbing

- Concerts

- Parties

- Watch movies together (we watch on average at least a movie a day!)

- Take our kids out to the park

- Shopping

- Going for dinner/movies/the usual



go dancing in South Beach.


i take it you go to stuff at the WMC? I'd love to make it out there one of these years.

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Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, Dining out, Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, shopping (we both like to just walk around and look at "stuff"), Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, entertain (I like to pretend I'm a caterer and cook for people, he likes to show off the house and host), Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack.


Did I mention we both play WoW?

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Sounds like me and my bf, except with Magic: The Gathering.


- video games

- hanging out (i play video games, he surfs in the internetz)

- movies (rented and on-screen, although I am limited to what is being captioned on the big theatres - i am deaf).

- walking my parents' dog and hiking

- dinner and games night with my parents

- minature golf

- cooking class

- pool

- bowling

- table hockey

- ice skating

- shopping

- pitch&putt

- swimming

- visiting B&Bs in more remote towns

- visit the aquarium (we got to go backstage and feed the sea otters!)

- skiing

- snowshoeing


Museums are out. My guy would rather poke his eyes out than go to an art gallery.

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Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, Dining out, Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, shopping (we both like to just walk around and look at "stuff"), Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack, entertain (I like to pretend I'm a caterer and cook for people, he likes to show off the house and host), Warcrack, Warcrack, Warcrack.


Did I mention we both play WoW?





Sounds EXACTLY like my boyfriend and I.. WoW is our life! lmao



My boyfriend and I playing World of Warcraft every night. Sometimes we watch TV but then we start talking about WoW and get on our computers. What can I say, its addicting and fun as hell!! Oh, we also go out to movies, dinner, bars and friends houses... thats about it though. We don't have alot of money at the moment (both in college, working and living on our own.) So, playing WoW for 50 cents a day is worth it to us!!

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We try different recipes such as for example we made black and white cookies. It took us several batches to get it right but now they are better than storebought!


But wasn't the fun part deciding in what order to eat each side? Or - gasp- whether to eat the black and white part at the same time. that would be too exciting for me.......;-)

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