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REJECTED- I feel unattractive or something


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Well I met this guy off facebook, we had one date which went well then he asked me for another which I thought was okay, to be honest I didn't think we really clicked but he seemed nice. And anyway he didn't call me after the date or anything, the date was last friday so yeah I just decided he must no longer be interested and to move on. But what upsets me is that just now I noticed he deleted me from his friends. That makes me feel really rejected like he thought I was ugly or a weirdo or something or a stalker. I mean fair enough no attraction-fine, dont call me but you dont have to delete me!! Just out of politeness sheesh he could have kept me on his list. I must not look how he wanted or something, but deleting me is a little petty isn't it? Its not like we had been in a relationship and it was closure?! So why delete me. I feel like he decided after the second date that I was ugly or something

I feel so rejected. I hate facebook, I am never meeting someone online again...stupid internet

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That is pretty petty and rude on his part stranded. Like you said, not being attracted is one thing, but removing you from his friend list wtihout a word is very immature.


Chin up sweetie. There will be many who are very interested in you. Try to realize he is more of a jerk than so much you being rejected.

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Did you wind up going out with him twice or he just said he wanted another date?


16yr old boys are immature and probably do what they can to avoid confrontation. Don't worry, I'm sure it has nothing to do with your looks. Unless, of course, you have very misleading photos up

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It has nothing to do with your looks. If he didn't find you attractive he wouldn't have gone on a date with you in the first place. This guy sounds really immature and rude. It's his lost and don't waste another moment of your time thinking about him.

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Why does being someones friend on Facebook have anything to do with your looks?


I think part of the problem is that people put too much into "being friends" on these social engineering sites like myspace and facebook.


You said it yourself that you didn't really click, so he probably felt the same way. He took the easy way out and stopped calling you, and likely didn't want to lead you on by staying friends on facebook.


I wouldn't put much of anything on being friends on Myspace or w/e.

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If he asked you out on a second date, I'm sure he was attracted to you.


you even said yourself you guys didn't click on the second date.


Part of dating is meeting all different people. Getting rejected and being rejected. Not everyone will like you and click with you.


Would you have rather him kept you on his friends list, if he didn't want you there- just to be polite? I know I wouldn't. His loss.


Don't take it personal. You barley knew him.

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Did you wind up going out with him twice or he just said he wanted another date?


16yr old boys are immature and probably do what they can to avoid confrontation. Don't worry, I'm sure it has nothing to do with your looks. Unless, of course, you have very misleading photos up


No first time he asked me out off facebook and had a date. Then a week later he wanted to schedule another date. So we met again for the second time.

Well he was 17 but I guess that doesn't make a difference, I usually date guys who happen to be a few months younger than me but he was older and I guess acted younger than them. Well my photos are of me and they arn't photoshopped or anything. They are photos of me on a good day and stuff but I made sure I met him when I was having a good day anyway so meh I dont know.


And also in response to snoopy24, yeah you're right. But honestly I think its just very anti-social and standoffish, its just a friends list, it doesn't equate to the people on them being you're real friends. So yeah I would prefer he kept me there out of politeness because that would show consideration for my feelings. There are people on my facebook list I don't neccessarily like but I dont delete them because its a slap in the face.

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I agree with Snoopy. You wrote: "to be honest I didn't think we really clicked." He probably felt the same way and didn't think it was necessary to keep you as a friend since you only went on two dates. From other posts I've read on here about facebook and myspace, I'd say there are all sorts of reasons people delete friends that have nothing to do with how attractive the friend is. Usually it's that the person who did the deleting wants to move on. I'd suggest you move on too and chalk it up to incompatibility.

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Whatevs stranded. Ive seen your pics you are definitely a QT pie. Sometimes people just dont click ya know. Dont beat yourself up. Facebook and Myspace are kinda wack that way. I add people and with no expectation except chit chat and random jokes. The phrase back to the drawing board is appropriate. Everyone goes through this, its like a process of elimination. Ya smell me?

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Whatevs stranded. Ive seen your pics you are definitely a QT pie. Sometimes people just dont click ya know. Dont beat yourself up. Facebook and Myspace are kinda wack that way. I add people and with no expectation except chit chat and random jokes. The phrase back to the drawing board is appropriate. Everyone goes through this, its like a process of elimination. Ya smell me?


Lol thanks, ya I smell ya fo sho!

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So many internet boys are losers (present readers/ ENA members excluded lol)... But seriously, that is very pathetic and childish and also very cowardice! It's not a reflection on you, don't worry about it.. He is obviously some weird immature freak boy who thinks he is some hot stud!!


Similar thing happened to me.. met this guy on online dating, we talked for 2 weeks online, then met on the fri night, he asked me out next day, and while we were out asked me to stay out.. I couldn't that night and explained... and then he went all cold.. we texted a tiny bit (all initiated by me), he even said he wanted to catch up again, but never called or texted... anyway suffice to say I got sick of it all and called him on it, but was reasonable... he now goes offline if he sees me on msn...


I tell you some guys are just cowardly.. it hurts though, and I too have felt like you are now - that I am some weird stalker freak or something and that he didn;t find me attractive etc etc... but rather than doubt ourselves, lets see it for what it really is - THEIR ISSUES!


And hey you didn't feel a spark anyway.. so it's no loss!


Chin up!



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Maybe he met someone else and he didn't want you to be able to post on his wall on FB and complicate things. I wouldn't go on even one date - or two dates - unless you are totally fine with not having another date. When I was your age I would have felt the same way, but you learn that people sometimes don't click, it's nothing personal, you will decline a second date at times, so will the guy, at times.

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Maybe he met someone else and he didn't want you to be able to post on his wall on FB and complicate things. I wouldn't go on even one date - or two dates - unless you are totally fine with not having another date. When I was your age I would have felt the same way, but you learn that people sometimes don't click, it's nothing personal, you will decline a second date at times, so will the guy, at times.


No the no more date thing was fine, it was the fact I was deleted that was a bit of a slap in the face. But its all good, am over it.

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