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A question of etiquette for myspace

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Just so you know, I feel like a COMPLETE geek for asking this question. All I can say is I'm glad this forum is anonymous.


Anyway, a few days after we split, I already took the liberty of deleting the ex from my friends list (also from my phone, email, etc.).


As the months since then have been rolling along, I wonder about her friends and relatives that are still my friends on myspace.


I want to cut ties with everyone, so should I delete all of them also?


I must admit, the only reason I still have any of them on there is because I don't want to lose them, as they are my final link to her. Plus, I've always made a habit of staying in contact with her friends and family, just so they couldn't say anything bad about me, no matter what the ex says.


But, me and the ex are about 3 months into NC and now I think it's high time to cut all remaining ties. I haven't talked to a single one of them in months. I'm talking her sister, her cousins, our mutual friends, etc.


I think it's time to wipe them all off my friends list.


So what's the consensus? Yea or nay?


My ex dumped me, by the way. I wanted to work things out no matter what.

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I'm not timid about burning bridges when they need to be burned. But to cut out people that haven't done anything wrong to you and could possibly help you out sometime in the future...seems like a bad idea to me. Unless they're a painful reminder of things and tempt you to check up on her, I don't see any reason to delete them. At my most bitterest, I'd stop contacting them and just let them decide if they want to delete me. That way I'm not left feeling guilty and wondering if I had slighted them in some way.

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Believe me, the whole "well, they didn't do anything wrong" has crossed my mind about a million times. Why else did I keep them on my friends list for so long after the split?


Same thing with calls/texts, etc. I stayed in contact will all of them and it made my ex FURIOUS that I stayed in touch.


She'd say, if you aren't talking to me, then you aren't allowed to talk to my family...well, that just goes to show the maturity and mentality of my ex right there.


I even explained this to her, that they didn't do anything wrong, so why can't I keep in touch with them? Afterall, they became my friends.


But time has gone by. Yes, I still love my ex very much and I want her back more than anything.


But I really am at the point where I don't even care if any of them get angry with me for deleting them and shutting them out of my life...even our mutual friends. I mean, they all know the situation and even a few of them went to bat for me to try and keep us together.


In the end, she wanted nothing to do with me. The reason she cited was that one day she "just fell out of love with me." So, I don't think they'd take it personally. But it has crossed my mind.


But honestly, I'm getting to the point where I don't care anymore about what anyone thinks...

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I'm not timid about burning bridges when they need to be burned. But to cut out people that haven't done anything wrong to you and could possibly help you out sometime in the future...seems like a bad idea to me. Unless they're a painful reminder of things and tempt you to check up on her, I don't see any reason to delete them. At my most bitterest, I'd stop contacting them and just let them decide if they want to delete me. That way I'm not left feeling guilty and wondering if I had slighted them in some way.



I totally agree w/ everything weeblie said.

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But honestly, I'm getting to the point where I don't care anymore about what anyone thinks...


If that's the case go for it. Sometimes you just have to do what's best for yourself and it seems you've thought about this long and hard. If this is causing you discomfort, then do what you have to do to make things better.

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If that's the case go for it. Sometimes you just have to do what's best for yourself and it seems you've thought about this long and hard. If this is causing you discomfort, then do what you have to do to make things better.


Well, it's not that I have this apathy in a mean kind-of-way.


When I say I just don't care anymore, it's based purely on being burned out from this whole situation.

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If you check their status/page/comments/etc just for the high of having some sort of oblique peek at your ex, then I'd say delete them. Whatever it takes for you to get over. But first I'd just try not checking/commenting/peeking.


If you never check them or connect with these people through myspace/facebook, then there is really no reason to delete them and it might seem as if you're burning bridges.

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Delete..move on. Deleting someone or people is not a sign that you are not over someone. It is a sign that you are moving on and taking control of your own life. However, thnk if these people add value to your life or add to the pain and sadness of the break-up..maybe that will help you make the decision.

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Delete..move on. Deleting someone or people is not a sign that you are not over someone. It is a sign that you are moving on and taking control of your own life. However, thnk if these people add value to your life or add to the pain and sadness of the break-up..maybe that will help you make the decision.



I agree with Addicus - delete - it shows that you are indeed completely moving on

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