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When the ex makes you feel 2 inches tall...


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So tomorrow is my birthday and I got a message from my ex tonight saying "in case I forget...happy birthday". So 1. you might forget and 2. you can't call!!!! you have to text!!!! I'm just sooooo pissed right now. Why? Why has he made me feel so small the day before my birthday? Was I really expecting anything? no. but maybe something more than a damn text. sorry everyone. just pissed off and need to vent. happy birthday to me.

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So tomorrow is my birthday and I got a message from my ex tonight saying "in case I forget...happy birthday". So 1. you might forget and 2. you can't call!!!! you have to text!!!! I'm just sooooo pissed right now. Why? Why has he made me feel so small the day before my birthday? Was I really expecting anything? no. but maybe something more than a damn text. sorry everyone. just pissed off and need to vent. happy birthday to me.


He still thinks about you. That's why!


If you wanna get him back, don't contact him.


I bet he's waiting for that "thank you" text right now.

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you could look at like that however


if it was me who was sending the text my thought process would have been either, I want to be one of the first one's who wish her happy birthday and I'm excited to do it so i'm going to do it now or I really want to make sure I don't get busy tomorrow and forget, i want her to know I'm thinking about her so I'll send it now.


i would have done a text because then I don't have to deal with voicemail's and or worrying whether or not she'll answer. etc. it's the safe play


honestly I think you are being over sensitive here and making an issue where there doesn't have to be one.


i would just say thanks! or not reply at all if you are not wanting to communicate with him

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i guess i'm making an issue out of this b/c of everything him and i have been through over the last two months. i just thought from him i would at least think he would call me ON my birthday. i think i'm really just not looking forward to my birthday tomorrow b/c of many reasons. this just sucks right now and i can't help that i feel this way right now.

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i guess i'm making an issue out of this b/c of everything him and i have been through over the last two months. i just thought from him i would at least think he would call me ON my birthday. i think i'm really just not looking forward to my birthday tomorrow b/c of many reasons. this just sucks right now and i can't help that i feel this way right now.


He is your ex for a reason.


I wouldn't let myself get so upset.

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He is probably trying to trigger a reaction, and wants to give it some sort of 'air' as if he actually doesn't care. It's so obvious that he does though.


The 'in case I forget' should be read as 'I spent hours typing this text message and contemplating about sending it'.


Don't respond, eat cake for two, try to enjoy your b-day!





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Firstly, happy birthday!


I know how you feel. My ex sent me a text at 1am on the morning of my birthday and it shouldn't have annoyed me but it did. She was blatantly drunk and was very OTT in her message to me. She even mentioned my birthday the previous year - which was the best birthday ever. Thanks to her spoiling me left, right and centre.


I got so rattled. Why is somebody who dumped me for someone else now reminding me of happy times that we had together? On my actual birthday, my ex was being so lovely to me. It sounded like she was missing a lot that day. Which gave me the wrong idea.


Gah. Ex girlfriends....

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I have to be honest, I don't really see the problem? I wouldn't take it offensive if I was you. I understand the "incase I forget" part might be a bit, but I don't think it was meant that way! I think that maybe he wants to seem not "too interested", and doesn't want to show how much he care. Maybe. But either ways, I don't think he meant any harm from it, it's probably just how you're feeling right now because you miss him?? I don't know if you've already replied or whatever, but maybe just saying a simple "thank you" wouldn't hurt It's easy when we're hurt/angry/frustrated, etc. to assume someone meant something harmful, when perhaps they didn't meant it that way. Just have a good Birthday and try not to stress about it.

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Well...I didn't text back b/c I fell asleep when I got home from work. So at 3:30am he text me with a "that was nice that you ignored me". he said he figured I was up...at 3:30am! well, it started a whole texting thing. I ended up not sleeping well the rest of the morning. then i got more text at 9am from him. i just felt like he was trying to pick a fight with me and now i'm tired today and just can't get in the birthday mood. I know he wouldn't purposely ruin my day. But it just seems like everything has to be on his time between us. i've waited days to get a response from him about things. he gives me hours and then rights messages like that early in the morning.

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Well...he just called me a few minutes ago. I feel like I forced him to call. Him and I are trying so hard to keep each other in our lives. But I feel like I'm in this downward spin with him and neither one of us know how to pull up. I wish someone would just lock us in a room together so we had to talk about things...had to put everything out on the table...anyone have any advice on how to talk to someone that you care about so much with out scaring them away...

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Well...he just called me a few minutes ago. I feel like I forced him to call. Him and I are trying so hard to keep each other in our lives. But I feel like I'm in this downward spin with him and neither one of us know how to pull up. I wish someone would just lock us in a room together so we had to talk about things...had to put everything out on the table...anyone have any advice on how to talk to someone that you care about so much with out scaring them away...


why not just do that yourself? if both of you are trying so hard.. why not just sit down over dinner and have a good talk over things...

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