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He won't leave me alone


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We broke up a year ago almost, yet he keeps kissing me, touching me. I asked him why and he said I put a spell on him. He kisses me everyday, holds my hand, just like when we were dating. He asked me to have with him, then decided he wouldn't push it, again, like he did when we were dating. I still love him, but it's tearing me apart to have him do this and not know if he still loves me. Does he love me or is he just wanting to have, as he said, "some fond memories to look back on in a few years?" He's moving in June, and I don't know if I'll see him again... Someone, please help me decipher what he's feeling towards me.

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Where is he moving to? how far from you? Maybe he's saying he wont pish it for your benefit. If he is acting this way maybe you should ask him if he does still love you and ask him what he hopes to gain? I doubt it will push him away with the way he is acting xx

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why are you letting him kiss you and hold your hand???


if someone loves you, they are going to be with you. bottom line.


i hate those guys who think it's okay to do that to girls. and i get very frusturated with all the girls who accept it .... likes its "this or nothing" kind of thing.

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Exactly, and I love him so much I wouldn't care if he beat me as long as I was with him, as sad as that sounds.He's had issues with his parents for years, and he's sick of it, so he's getting as far away form them as he can. Yes it is completely out of the question for me to move in with him at the moment. If he was willing to work on the relationship sure I would, but not until he makes up his mind what he wants out of it, if he wants what we once had back at all.

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You have to do what your heart tells you is right-but listen to your mind as well. He is moving. He gets close to you when you are around one another. He seems to be asking for a temprary reconnection-but listen, I really hate to say thins because I don't know him, but is it possible he is just doing these things to have a fling? He knows he is leaving-could this just be a convenient thing for him? You need to figure this out, because if that is the case, it will end up hurting you worse, and he will get what he wants and that will be that. I really am sorry, again, I could be entirely wrong, but it sounds to me, frokm your brief description, that there is a possibility he is trying to play you...I hope I am wrong...

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that's what's worrying me. I don't want to be used like that. Sure I've thought "Hey, girl, get a clue" but if he is using me I don't want to see it. I've already been hurt by him so many times, I don't want to get hurt again, but something about him won't let me leave him alone. I still love him. Yes that would be a little worrisome, but at least I'm being honest.

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Well, I have to finish some things before I could do that. I have to do stuff, but it might be a possiblity after a while, but a while may be a few years. I can stick it out that long, my problem is if he wants me, will he stay with me through this time apart?

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yes you are, and that is an admirable thing. But,...you know what is going on. And the inability to stand up and not accept that kind of treatment is what is worrisome. Do you have any idea how far things progress-get worse-when you allow someone to treat you poorly? It's a free ride for them, and they ride it for as long as they can, taking every stop imaginable...not good.


I am sure this is not what you want to hear. But I read your post and felt compelled to reply.


You deserve far better. But until you realize your own worth, you will not get it. A healthy self-esteem will prevent this from happening, or from you allowing this to happen. That is my ultimate advice-to work on your self esteem. You really do deserve better.

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Well, I have to finish some things before I could do that. I have to do stuff, but it might be a possiblity after a while, but a while may be a few years. I can stick it out that long, my problem is if he wants me, will he stay with me through this time apart?


I have no idea, as long as you could visit each other often enough?


I think you need to find out what his intentions are though one way or another and find out if he truly means what he is saying. If my ex was acting like this i would question what he wanted after a while at least. You dont want to hurt urself more if he turns around just before he leaves and tells you he just wants to stop everything.


How genuine is he?

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yes you are, and that is an admirable thing. But,...you know what is going on. And the inability to stand up and not accept that kind of treatment is what is worrisome. Do you have any idea how far things progress-get worse-when you allow someone to treat you poorly? It's a free ride for them, and they ride it for as long as they can, taking every stop imaginable...not good.


I am sure this is not what you want to hear. But I read your post and felt compelled to reply.


You deserve far better. But until you realize your own worth, you will not get it. A healthy self-esteem will prevent this from happening, or from you allowing this to happen. That is my ultimate advice-to work on your self esteem. You really do deserve better.


I really have no selfesteem....

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I have no idea, as long as you could visit each other often enough?


I think you need to find out what his intentions are though one way or another and find out if he truly means what he is saying. If my ex was acting like this i would question what he wanted after a while at least. You dont want to hurt urself more if he turns around just before he leaves and tells you he just wants to stop everything.


How genuine is he?


I plan on talking with him about what he wants. I need to know what he expects out of me.

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