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acident hit


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okay well my bf likes to mess around with me and use one finger to nock my hat back or off and he catches it an puts it on him self. well he normally dose it really close to my face, and well out of the hundreds of times he has done this. he hit my nose.... and well the cartalidge moved up in my nose about half a centimeter and is stuck there. thing was it didn't hurt or nothing I just grabbed my nose cause you could hear the pop of it moving and I though it got broken or was gonna bleed. he grabbed me but I pushed him back a bit so I could tell if it was bleeding or not.


well any way he started feeling bad obviously, and though I was mad and felt bad and said he was a bad bf. well the mood turning to a bad one, I started crying a bit. (went from a happy lets go get dinner mood to a really heavy depressed mood) I told him I just didn't wanna get blood on him if it was and showed him it didn't hurt I just needed a little room to make sure nothing was wrong.


well he still felt bad but cheered up when he noticed I was fine happy and not loosing blood. but felt bad for hitting me, and my nose turning red for like an hour.


he still is out of it even though its been like 4 days since that has happened cause I find it fun to mess with my nose cause the cartalidge got moved. but how can I make him not worry about it, and stop feeling so bad and like he is a bad bf. he also felt bad cause he thinks now everyone that was in the place we like to hang out thinks that he hit me. so going back next week mite be hard. I'm still alive and breathing but how can I show or prove to him I'm fine, not hurt, and he needs to get over it.

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i knocked my ex out of the shower on accident once, he hit his head on a counter in the bathroom and took out the curtain when he fell. Even though i have no feelings for him now whatsoever, he was my 1st true love btw.. i still reflect on that and feel horrible about it to this day.. its been about 2 years ago now.

its like when you accidently do something to a kitten. the kitten forgives, but sometimes you never forgive yourself when they fell off the couch.. or what have you... guilt is a strong thing.

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Has he witnessed close family members go through violence?


I ask this because my mother was abused for about 8 years and I was too young to do anything about it. Now whenever I see or hear of a girl getting abused I feel really bad and raged. Maybe he knows someone that is abusive and fears that he will be compared to that man.


I would just assure him that you are not mad at him and know that it was an accident. Then I would jokingly say "Well since you feel so bad about hitting me, Can I pop you in the nose so were even? That way I can feel bad about it too

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Has he witnessed close family members go through violence?


I ask this because my mother was abused for about 8 years and I was too young to do anything about it. Now whenever I see or hear of a girl getting abused I feel really bad and raged. Maybe he knows someone that is abusive and fears that he will be compared to that man.


I would just assure him that you are not mad at him and know that it was an accident. Then I would jokingly say "Well since you feel so bad about hitting me, Can I pop you in the nose so were even? That way I can feel bad about it too


I used to be abused and had a friend rape me once. I flinch a lot when people fake hit me or attack me kind of thing. that mite be why. but he just feels horrid for it. he's the kinda guy that would never hit anybody, even a fly (he catches them in cups and lets em go out side) and he feels like he actually hit me. I've told him I'm fine and jokeingly the next day I was messing with him and made him laugh cause of it. then he was saying he was sorry and a lot of stuff.

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i knocked my ex out of the shower on accident once, he hit his head on a counter in the bathroom and took out the curtain when he fell. Even though i have no feelings for him now whatsoever, he was my 1st true love btw.. i still reflect on that and feel horrible about it to this day.. its been about 2 years ago now.

its like when you accidently do something to a kitten. the kitten forgives, but sometimes you never forgive yourself when they fell off the couch.. or what have you... guilt is a strong thing.


ya I feel bad when I'm takeing a nap with the cat and move and it falls. I just wanna hug my cat... but normally she just gets back up next to me purring and goes to sleep.

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an ex of mine got punched in her sleep by me. it wasn't like a full-on i socked her or anything. it was unintentional. she joked about it all the time. i felt bad of course. i'm sure he's fine about it.


she also made me scratch myself on my face under my eye. looked like a deep cat scratch mark. we were wrestling. so what.

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an ex of mine got punched in her sleep by me. it wasn't like a full-on i socked her or anything. it was unintentional. she joked about it all the time. i felt bad of course. i'm sure he's fine about it.


she also made me scratch myself on my face under my eye. looked like a deep cat scratch mark. we were wrestling. so what.


I called him today and he said sorry again....... I just wish he would get over it

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My bf has left bruises in the side of my arms because he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.


It didn't hurt at the time but it did leave really bad bruises. I just bruise easily. I forgave him of course but he was really careful about hugging me for a while.


Eventually the fear of hurting me faded. He is trying to keep his strength in check though.

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I didn't mess with him about it he randomly asked if my nose was fine and I said why wouldn't it be then he said he was sorry about hitting me in the face.


just tell him next time he asks 'i'm fine, please stop asking about it.' then put a SHEESH at the end.

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