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I' Better Than This


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I'm Better Than This


I dont deserve to be used,

My hopes, my fears, you chose to abuse,

I dont deserve the way things are,

I could sit all night in this bar,

All I ever wanted, was to be wanted back,

But alas there was never any chance of that,


And now I realise it's time to go,

I'll trapse away through my minds snow,

Wondering how things might have been different,

If I was stronger, and not so belligerent,

My head is small, my mind is closed,

And yet from this my instinct arose,

It knew it would happen,

I knew what you wanted,

So why oh why do I feel so stunted?


All I can say is I'm better than this,

My head knows that, and in that I can dismiss,

The need to be near you, to feel bliss,

So from now I'll go on,

I'll feel no regret,

Because you are the one I know I'll forget.


I'm better than this,

I'm better than you,

I'm better than a rebound,

I'm better than random sound,

Goodbye to you,

Because now we're done,

I walk away in to a brighter sun


A bit more rhyming than my usual style, but it's how I feel.

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