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need some un-bias advice


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I wouldnt say impossible. And its all about trying to be positive. The jopb industy and economy in UK is pretty bleak right now. But you have more chance of getting into a hairdressing job with a qualification, than without one.


What do u intend to do otherwise?

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Dont be silly. That is an immature answer and no solution at all. You have your physical health and wishing u want to die is an offence to people battling with terminal illnesses who dont wish to die. Think before you speak of such things again. Yes things are hard but trust me there will NEVER be a time in your life where you dont have a problem to deal with, whether large or niggling.


And it is the times when you need to deal with things now that are the making of you for the future. Things go wrong for everyone, no matter how happy and perfect other peoples lives seem to be.


So without any of that meaning to be horrible because I dont mean anything of the sort, dont think like that, try and think positive.


Finish what you started. And get some careers advice from college. You obviously made an impression on ur college tutor if he is chasing you up etc so can you not go to him for advice?

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Dont be silly. That is an immature answer and no solution at all. You have your physical health and wishing u want to die is an offence to people battling with terminal illnesses who dont wish to die. Think before you speak of such things again. Yes things are hard but trust me there will NEVER be a time in your life where you dont have a problem to deal with, whether large or niggling.



schueysgirl, your response is insensitive to those suffering from depression and sucidal thoughts. please think before you post. You may as well have told Gem_Healer to "snap out of it."


Mental Health is a sensitive issue.

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I didnt tell her to snap out of it because that wasnt what i was saying. If i was going to say that I would of done from the outset, not spent some time giving advice and trying to help.


I have worked with depressed young children during my psychology course and in no way was i telling her in anything i had written to "snap out of it"


In the same way what you say I wrote is insentive...so is Writing "I want to die". When there are so many people out there suffering and batteling to not die. And this struck a chord with me.


If you read my other posts I have been thinking before I posted on all of them, and no where did I imply she should snap out of it. You are inferring something which was never written and I know exactly how mental health is a sensitive issue, my mother is a mental health nurse.


Sometimes there is nothing wrong in trying to promote the positives...and was mealy showing her that running away, or wanting to die is not the answer to problems, and that everyone has problems, and everyone can help sort things together.


Please do not read one of my posts and infer things onto them, especially asking me to think before I post. I find this somewhat rude in suggesting I havent thought before I have written something in this thread.

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Of course we have given unbiased advice. Thats all we can give you because we dont actually know you.


It sounds like you dont really want to go back, and in people telling you this is the best thing to do, you dont appreciate it. So why ask for advice if you dont want to hear it?


I read your pros and cons from the outset, if I am going to post on someones thread I make sure i read thourally, and also I make sure I think before I write anything down. If you dont like what we are saying thats fine. But there is no need to get cross with anyone, you came for our advice and some of us have been kind enough to give it to you.


If you dont want to go back and finish your course then don't. At the end of the day you are responsible for your own actions and I just think you didnt like being told that running away wasnt the best thing for you to do. Sorry but in asking for advice you need to swallow some pride and take on board other peoples opinions, whether you agree with them or not, because that is what you came on here for.

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I did write what I meant....i wrote exactly what I meant. I asked you to think before you wrote down things like that as it is insensitive to people who are dying and who dont want to.


Things might be tough but your young and have everything to live for, sure you might of had the most terrible years of your life...but there is no telling that the next 50 are going to be as bad. life is what you make it at the end of the day.


If i wanted you to snap out of it and was going to offer unconstructive advice I would of done that from the outset, not tried to help, I would of just typed it!!!

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running away was actually the best thing for me to do. sadly you do not know me, and my reasons.


i appriciate the advice i was given, but i would also appriciate people to take into concideration of what has lead me to this point. would u like a link showing running away was the best thing for me

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Well if running away was the best thing I dont understand why you need advice on whether to go back?


Stay where you are and start a-fresh at college then.


Of course I dont know you...but you asked for advice and I gave it. You dont know me either. I have problems and have thought about running away sometimes previously in earlier years but I didnt have the means or the finances to do it, and past experiences of friends running away have always lead to bad things and then them coming home with tail betweeen legs.


If you ask for advice people use their own experiences to give advice and thats just what I did, for the running away, for the qualification, for the mental health and financial health issues.


Don't flame me, I am not insensitive, and remember that you dont know me as much as I dont know you.

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