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What is a good opening line to say to a complete stranger on myspace?


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Say you saw a girls profile and you thought she was cute or interesting. what do you think the best type of message would be to approach these complete strangers without creeping them out?


and another question. what would you say if they said "where did you find my profile?"


believe me I need answers!

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Well, I am nt completely in agreeance that it wont get you anywhere, but i certainly think the "less is more" approach would be apt.


However having said that, i don't think it is the most prudent/appropriate place to be lurking if you would like to meet someone with the view of developing a relationship.

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Say you saw a girls profile and you thought she was cute or interesting. what do you think the best type of message would be to approach these complete strangers without creeping them out?


and another question. what would you say if they said "where did you find my profile?"


believe me I need answers!


wanna go out for a byte? works for me

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I met my wife on MySpace. I'd venture to say that relationships which started there are more common than you think.


Just like IRL, ask a question or two about stuff that's on the person's profile, things that you genuinely want to know. Keep it short, though. If you can come up with something witty to open with that's related to their profile, I think that will go much further for you than some generic opener. It's more likely to make them interested in talking to you.


I wouldn't worry too much about the whole "where did you find my profile?" thing, because that's one reason the site exists: to help you meet new people! If the question comes up, a simple "I was bored and just looking through random profiles when I found yours" would likely end the subject altogether.

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I would like to add that my post above didn't imply nothing good can ever come out of Myspace for anyone. I was speaking merely for Evilken, as it seems this is the only way he ever contacts girls, which seems pretty unhealthy.


Why don't you just go to the pub to talk to girls, or talk to girls at school if you're too young to drink?

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Although I think this poster in particular should not contact people on myspace anymore, a good opening line in general is to comment on a shared interest the two of you have on your profile. Be polite, you're not trying to get her to be attracted to you in your first message, you're merely trying to get her to talk to you and then build attraction from there.

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Evilken24 asked what to say to a woman on Myspace...this isn't about where else he should be looking although there are always many places to find dates.


Hopefully, you are talking to people in the same town as you. Say "did you go to XYZ festival last weekend?" Or "I'm bored and you are pretty...what is up?" Or "Apparently, everyone in this city has decided to go to bed before 6PM. I sure hope you aren't one of those people..." blah blah blah...


Just enter into a conversation like you've known the person for a while. Just go straight into it. Just don't expect a very good batting average...Women get those messages all the time on myspace, facebook, link removed etc...if they want to talk to you, they will. If they don't want to talk to you, nothing you say will matter.


Just keep it casual and none of this 'you want to go to a movie this weekend?' crap...discuss exciting things and if you want to meet her, invite her to a cool public event, museum exibit etc...show her that you aren't that 'weird guy surfing myspace for chicks'...even if you are.


I've tried it before...actually gotten more dates out of myspace than link removed but the best bet is still to approach a woman in real life, say 'what's up?! How's your day going'...at least in my experience. (and as others said)


Dating is a numbers game friend, you're going to need to talk to a lot of people to find a few dates and have a lot of dates before you find that one that really speaks to you in a way that only you can appreciate.


Do whatever you are comfortable with but don't give up and keep the drive.


Good luck mate!

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