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This is going to sound dumb.


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Lately I've been thinking about an old friend. He lived accross the street and we played at each other's houses pretty much everyday from the time we were toddlers until I turned 7 when I moved away. I still remember his full name, so yesterday I looked him up on MySpace to see what he was up to.


I remember having a bit of a crush on him when we were kids, and upon seeing his picture (at least the small thumbnail since his profile is private), it was refreshing to see how he looked all grown-up. All of a sudden I kept thinking how cool it would be if we got as far as reuniting and possibly even dating in the longrun....but I tried to prevent my imagination from running wild and creating false hope.


So I sent him a short, casual message saying, "You're probably gonna think this is creepy, but do you remember me? We were homies when we were kids and lived right accross the street from each other back in the day. Everyone called me _________." Now, reading back at that, I wish I had a different choice of words.


Earlier tonight I checked my sent messages and he's read it, but hasn't replied. For some reason my heart sank a little, and while I have pretty thick skin, I'm feeling down about it for some reason. I'm curious as to what he was thinking while reading my message....if he was creeped out/just doesn't care/quite possibly didn't have enough time to respond right away.


I know I shouldn't take it personally, but I have that feeling inside me like I just got yelled at. Sorry to vent.

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Yeah I never care if other people don't respond, but he was a good friend of mine and I haven't seen the boy in 12 years, and I was kind of expecting a quick[er] response just because of how long it's been. That's probably why I felt like crap at first.

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I do that all the time on Myspace. I mean to reply later that day but then forget about it. I hardly ever reply on the spot.


Just wait a couple days for a reply from him. He very possibly didn't have the time to reply to any messages and only checked his account real quick.

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"You're probably gonna think this is creepy, but do you remember me? We were homies when we were kids and lived right accross the street from each other back in the day. Everyone called me _________." Now, reading back at that, I wish I had a different choice of words.


This wouldn't cause me to not respond, though I wouldn't have written it with the word creepy, had I written it.

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This wouldn't cause me to not respond, though I wouldn't have written it with the word creepy, had I written it.

Exactly what I was thinking. Oh well, he already read it....hahah.



Maybe he just doesnt remember you? Or in another case, maybe he had a crush on you and too shy to admit to it/communicate with you?

We knew each other for so long so I'm sure he'd remember me by my picture and unique name. And I strongly doubt he had a crush on me. We were just kids, and it didn't seem like it anyway. As for me....well, I made it really obvious by laying a kiss on him when I was 4 (he was 2 or 3 at the time). I don't think he remembers/cares about that though.

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Well, this may sound crazy, but if he doesnt reply after a week - try to contact him again. Chances are he either didnt get the email, just blew it off as a spam or something, or as I stated before he could just be a shy kid (was he?). Anyways it's way better for you to receive closure than to be left hanging. If he's purposely not replying to you then he'd be an * * * * * * * and not worth the effort in taking it to the heart. If on the other hand he was creeped out (however unlikely) by your post - this would be the time to make light of the subject (ex joke about your last email) as well as tell him the reason you were contacting him.

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Well, this may sound crazy, but if he doesnt reply after a week - try to contact him again. Chances are he either didnt get the email, just blew it off as a spam or something, or as I stated before he could just be a shy kid (was he?). Anyways it's way better for you to receive closure than to be left hanging. If he's purposely not replying to you then he'd be an * * * * * * * and not worth the effort in taking it to the heart. If on the other hand he was creeped out (however unlikely) by your post - this would be the time to make light of the subject (ex joke about your last email) as well as tell him the reason you were contacting him.

I'm afraid that if I were to contact him ever again, I would come off as needy/nagging. Maybe I should've had a different choice of words in my message that would've really lured him into being curious about how I'm doing and then possibly tempting him to reply.


He was far from shy as a child, nor do I think he blew it off as spam since I was pretty specific with my message. I'm sure he remembers me. It's been two days already and I strongly doubt he'll ever respond to be perfectly honest. Sucks but oh well.


We would've made a pretty hot couple too. He grew up with the same face (which was cute as a kid), only bigger and all grown-up.

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Consider this-


Maybe he's in a serious LTR- and doesn't want to make his gf jealous, Maybe's he's changed a lot- and not to sound harsh- But there's also the possibility of him not remembering you. You were little kids. Even if you were friends, etc. I don't know that I'd want to reconnect with anyone from back then, if I'm being honest.

If he doesn't respond, he's not interested in communicating. I really wouldn't write him again if he doesn't. it comes accross as stalkerish and seems like you have an agenda.

Give him some time, but if you don't hear back- Suck it up as his loss.

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If this is the situation he might not respond: Him being Mr. Gorgeous and has have every hot girl crawled under his feet, and you are not much a knock-out as you think in his eyes.

I hope you aren't implying that I'm full of myself, I didn't mean to come accross that way in my previous reply. But yes, I thought of that being a possibility (having girls all over him, thus not caring about me).



Consider this-


Maybe he's in a serious LTR- and doesn't want to make his gf jealous, Maybe's he's changed a lot- and not to sound harsh- But there's also the possibility of him not remembering you. You were little kids. Even if you were friends, etc. I don't know that I'd want to reconnect with anyone from back then, if I'm being honest.

If he doesn't respond, he's not interested in communicating. I really wouldn't write him again if he doesn't. it comes accross as stalkerish and seems like you have an agenda.

Give him some time, but if you don't hear back- Suck it up as his loss.

Yeah I don't plan on writing to him again because I don't want him to think I'm stalking/nagging him/bothering him, but the fact that I still recall his first and last name and looked him up probably alarmed him a bit. He probably has changed and [if he does remember me], then he just doesn't care, which is fine. I'd actually be pretty shocked if he has forgotten who I am. I truly believe he hasn't though to be honest.


I understand everyone is different, but I love reconnecting with old friends and reminiscing the past with them. Recently I ran into my old best friend from when we were 10 up until middle school. It was very refreshing.....it would've been cool if he was like this.

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You're fine. Don't overthink stuff like this. There isn't much you can do about your message now, and its not like it was that bad or anything.

Thank you, your reply actually made me feel better. For awhile there I began to get self-conscious thinking, "Crap, he probably got freaked out..." or "Maybe he doesn't think I aged well," (from what he can see of my picture anyway since my profile is private).


Ah well. He's 18 and still in high school. I'll cut him some slack.

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