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Why does every one i work with make fun of me?


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Why does every one I work with make fun of me? When I first started I was in training for about a month because of the training not being done right and the wrong material's. Then on top of that, when I make a big sales and do good I get talked to and the manager's like to pick on me. now I have had my day's where I was starting and did not have the nicest uniform. Now i can be a little strange and I am not good with the social ladder, I was home schooled. How can i keep this from continuing?

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Are you sure they're not just playing around and having harmless fun? I know at my job I have a great bond with all of my co-workers and we may joke and play around with one another in a harmless way. Sometimes they may do it to play with you, just a little way of loosening things up in the work environment. Are you sure it's not that and how exactly do they make fun of you?

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In general, people make fun of other people who care that they're being made fun of. That's how it works. It's human nature that we'll chide and tease someone only if it seems to bother that person or if they're sensitive. Some people are just naturally sensitive of course, and if you're one of those people then you have to learn to fake it.


Your workmates can sense your anxiety, and this is why they come after you. There are a lot of ways to diffuse this kind of teasing. The easiest way is usually to take the extreme about whatever you're being teased about.


For example: You make a big sale. Someone teases you and tells you that they're shocked you pulled it off, "you of all of people."


Your response... here's what it isn't: "Oh ya, well, I've been doing really well lately in sales. It was no problem for me. This job gets easier everyday."


Why this is a bad response: You are just setting yourself up for more ridicule because someone chided you, and you not only listened to what they had to say, you fed off of it, and then became defensive. You even bragged. This will lead to more teasing because the person knows they can rile you so they'll do it again, and people also like to knock people down when they're acting openly cocky. NEVER become defensive. Do the opposite.


Second worst approach: Attack back. "I bet you couldn't have made that sale. You give me sheet, but I don't see you doing all that great either."


Why this approach also sucks: You are now in attack mode, and it was predicated on his teasing you. While he has a joking tone, your "joking" is merely masked defensiveness and contempt. NEVER go back on the offensive when someone is on your case. Only diffuse.


A good response: "I know, eh... can you believe I made that sale? What a joke. I've been spending most of my day surfing 45+ porn on the internet and trying to figure out what kind of vacation I'm going on next year from all this money I'm going to be raking in from bonuses on all these sales. Next week, I'm thinking about replacing myself with a trained monkey for a week... just to see if anyone notices. I bet I could just put a tie on him and the same glasses and no one would know the difference, and he'd probably make about the same number of sales. In fact, this whole company could probably be replaced by primates, and we'd be just fine."


Why is that a good response? First of all, if you can deliever the response with conviction, then there's no chance this guy, or anyone else for that matter, thinks you give a damn about their opinion, or really, about anything they have to say. You become untouchable. Further, what is he going to say in response? He can't take you seriously. There's nothing left to tease since you've taken that away from him. He's weaponless now.


Taking yourself too seriously in this life will leave you open to attack, always. However, don't mistake my words. Take your job VERY seriously. Do well. Kick ass. Do your due dilligence. But when you're interacting with bored people that want your goat, don't give them what they're looking for. Be anything but serious. None of their teasing, accusations, bad vibes, or anything else deserves your respect, or even your thought. Give them nonsense in return because that's what you get from them.

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Also, they could not be aware that it is affecting you in this way.


The older band kids tease the younger ones because it's how they integrate them into the band. It's to see how well they can go with the flow.


My work mates liked to tease me because I was about 10 years younger than all of them. If you take it like a champ, they come to respect you. Some of my greatest friends were my coworkers.


Just a possibility.

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well i have been getting made fun in a way of being called gay, and stupid, a retard,on top of that when I go late or not I am picked on by managers and feel like i got all of them watching me. Should I seek a new job, and I am a waiter. I admit I don't know the food as well as I should but I know how to speak to people and how to treat them. I still make the money, just cant stand the stress on a lighter note i might have a internship. so i don't know, am i acting to week or immature about this?

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well i have been getting made fun in a way of being called gay, and stupid, a retard,on top of that when I go late or not I am picked on by managers and feel like i got all of them watching me. Should I seek a new job, and I am a waiter. I admit I don't know the food as well as I should but I know how to speak to people and how to treat them. I still make the money, just cant stand the stress on a lighter note i might have a internship. so i don't know, am i acting to week or immature about this?


Go to Human Resourses....




You can't call people "gay" or "retard" at work...


Are managers calling you these names?


Find out from a Manager you trust the name of someone at HR or Ethics at your company.


This behavior is TOTALLY unacceptable. The people doing it deserved to be fired.


Did they give you a manuel when you first got hired? The number might be in there.


Very disrespectiveful...NO ONE deserves to be treated that way, and I, for one, find it unbelievable that the management allows it to go on.


Let us know how you make out.



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I agree with Alley. I had not idea that the absuse existed as that level. What redneck restaurant arre you working at where your co-workers are calling you "gay" and "retard"?


I know how I'd handle someone saying that to me, and it wouldn't involve human resources, but that's just dispicable behavior. Do call the HR and tell them that you have a good lawyer if they don't immediately take you very seriously. If you end up getting others fired over this then good... don't feel guilty. They deserve a lot worse then just losing their jobs.

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ya i am thinking about it , and i am worried that the managers wont take me serous. and it worries me i need this job so i can pay rent and other things.


You don't have to worry about "the managers" taking you serious.


There are LAWS that protect people against this type of ignorance.


Like Jettison said...if necessary, consult an attorney.


There simply MUST be an HR department that you can call...


How completely unacceptable.


It's abusive.


Let us know how it goes please.



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