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Day One Baby!!!


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I am now officially a non-smoker!!! I feel good about it. I feel like I'm breathing deeper already.


I successfully passed my first 2 tests for smoking, 1.) Waiting for the train, 2.) Walking from the train to work.


I know I deserve this. I deserve so much better than smoking.


Wish me luck! I'll be coming on here randomly for updates and accountability too. It's strange, part of me wouldn't want to let eNa down. Weird?

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Thanks all! I'm gonna be staying indoors for most of the week, just to be safe. And then spin classes at the gym to offload the energy and switching to wine vs. beer for a while b/c I don't really associate wine with smoking. And a lot of toothpicks.


Oh, and I just totally snapped at a counterparty over the phone. Luckily he's entry-level!!

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Thanks all! I'm gonna be staying indoors for most of the week, just to be safe. And then spin classes at the gym to offload the energy and switching to wine vs. beer for a while b/c I don't really associate wine with smoking. And a lot of toothpicks.


Oh, and I just totally snapped at a counterparty over the phone. Luckily he's entry-level!!


Thats very great, i am always proud of someone who does this amazing act. I dont know much about it, but from what I heard it can be done and it makes you feel so much better. Good job with the toothpicks though, I have a friend who used toothpicks and regular chewing gum when he got a craving, worked well for him

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Dont give in to the cravings....it will pass!


Heres the non chart version:


At 20 minutes after quitting:


blood pressure decreases

pulse rate drops

body temperature of hands and feet increases


At 8 hours:

carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal

oxygen level in blood increases to normal


At 24 hours:

chance of a heart attack decreases


At 48 hours:

nerve endings start re-growing

ability to smell and taste is enhanced


The first year after quitting:


At 2 weeks to 3 months:

circulation improves

walking becomes easier

lung function increases


1 to 9 months:

coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases


1 year:

excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker

Long-term Benefits of Quitting


At 5 years:


from 5 to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.


At 10 years:

risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers

risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases

risk of an ulcer decreases


At 15 years:

risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked

risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoke

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Haha!! I've seen this before. The part I love is the decreases of disease risk! I can be alive!!!


I want to grow old with someone I love

Be able to run 15 miles when I'm 60

Be able to taste how good a New York steak really is

Breathe mountair air to the bottom of my toes

Kiss my baby nieces and not be concerned about how I smell

Sit on a patio late at night and listen to the night without smelling an ashtray

Save up all that money and go skydiving again

Feel self-respect

Finally be able to taste that hint of strawberry in my Chardonnay

Be an example to others who are struggling with overcoming problems


Sorry, down off my soapbox now.

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