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Guys - Marking your Territory??


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I was hanging out with some friends this weekend at my house, and a guy that I like was there. He brought his lawn chair over becuase we were cooking out and when he left, he put the lawn chair in my garage and said he would leave it there for Tuesday night (We have Bible study at my house on Tuesday night).


Anyway, another guy that was there told me after my crush left that my crush was "marking his territory" by leaving his chair in my garage. He said that guys will leave their personal items at your house if they like you. Anyway, I am NOT basing my opinion of whether my crush is into me or not off of this one comment, but I would like to know if guys ACTUALLY do this or if my guy friend just made that up becuase he knows that I have a crush on the guy that left his chair???


I was just a little confused becuase I had never heard of this "marking his territory" theory before.

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bmwm3....that was my thought exactly! I just figured he didn't want to bring it back on Tuesday. I would have NEVER thought anything about it until my friend made that comment and then it just started a big debate on the "marking his territory" theory.

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I've heard of women doing that. Although, I have to say that it is a pretty good sign that he wants to come back



Yeah, I guess it is a good sign that he wants to come back. However, he has done other things that makes me think he likes me such as yesterday night we were all out at the fields throwing around the frisbee and football when we decided to cook out at my house. The plan was to meet at 8pm at my house...it was 630 at the time. He said he was going to stay and throw around the football but asked if I would be home prior to 8 if he got done sooner. Well, he arrived at my house at 715 so he only played football for like 20 more minutes after I left. I enjoyed that time becuase we were able to sit down and talk for 45 minutes before everyone arrived and he cooked the burgers too! Anyway, I know that is off subject.

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Man has evolved past using urine to mark his territory and now uses...lawn chairs.


I don't think there was anything special in the act of leaving the chair, but is your friend who referred to it as "marking his territory" friends with your crush as well? If he is, then he might have been acting as a catalyst to encourage you two to get together. Friends have picked on something minor a girl does and have told me things like, "See, she's totally into you" to push me to do something. That could be what's going on, or your friend is just being weird.

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I'm not sure if this theory is correct or not, but I don't aim to take any chances. I'm off to Home Depot this afternoon to buy 7 chairs. I'm going to take each one to the doorstep of each woman that I have a crush on and just leave them there, and then see what happens.

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Yes, the "marking his territory" friend is friends with my crush. Actually, now that you mention it - my friend had spoken to my crush earlier yesterday right before my crush called me. However, my crush had never called me before yesterday, and as far as I know didn't have my phone number. So, I wonder if that is how my crush got my number...hmmmm!!

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Well, if you never gave him your number, he had to have gotten it from one of your friends. I wouldn't look into that too much though. When you're involved with some kind of formal or informal group, it's handy to get everyone's number whether you need it at the moment or not. It could be your friend gave him your number because he knew your crush had some interest in you, but it could also just be that he has it just in case he ever needs to contact you.

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ghost...well, why take it home? Well, we usually sit inside the house for Bible study. No reason to have a lawn chair unless he likes sitting in his lawn chair inside the house. BUT like I have said...I didn't think anything of it until my friend said what he did.

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I've had girls leave hair ties, a hat, and once a pair of boots behind. So I suppose if girls do this, so could a guy, though I've never heard of it.


Son of an expletive! After reading what you just wrote, I realized that my buddy Brad left his hat at my apartment last week. And come to think of it, Josh STILL hasn't picked up the umbrella he left from a month ago!!! Gay? I'm really going to have to rethink and reexamine some of my relationships. This is getting ridiculous. I left a jacket at Colin's house on Thursday, and now I realize that I'm going to have some serious explaining to do if I'm going to get out of this one with my dignity somewhat intact.

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