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Ah ha! I got a response back from her!


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Okay, so the other day I posted about how I had an ad on CL and how this interesting woman responded to me on Sat. morning. Then yesterday I was disappointed since I hadn't heard from her... well last night I got an email back! Just when I was giving up, I get an email from her.


So I haven't written back yet, well I did, but I haven't sent it over yet. This woman is smart... really smart. I'm not sure how to handle things with her. Part of me wants to be goofy and free, but another part of me wants to be more serious. I want to make a good impression basically. I don't want to come off as some lame brain, and at the same time don't want to appear stuck up.


And, I had sent two pictures. She said nothing. I want to comment on her picture... tell her I think she is cute. Is that out of line? Also, I told her how tall I was, but she did not reply with her height. Can I ask out right? Or would that be a no-no?


I know I'm over-analysing the situation, I just want to make a good impression and continue talking to her and see where it goes.



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Eh, unless you're extremely short and it matters all too much, I'd stay away from asking her her height. Also, lay off the compliments until you score your first date. You're already emailing back and forth because of a craigslist singles ad. If there was no attraction, you would stop emailing. thereforeeee, its implied and a "oh you're cute" would come off as redundant.

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Good points guys, thanks. So I should ask for a date sooner than later? Would a weeks worth of emailing be sufficient before asking for a date? I was thinking about asking her to breakfast/brunch on Sunday or something to start... just something very low key and short. Good idea or bad?



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