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took the first active pill of the month 3 hours early


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My gf just had her period and she started her new pack of birth control pills on sunday (April20.)


What happened is she normally takes her pill every day at 9 30 pm well she took the first active pill of the month 3 hours earlier than she was suppose to so she took it at 6 30 instead of 9 30.


So should she now take the pills at 6 30 for the rest of the month or can she go back to her normal time which is 9 30 on monday (april 21)?



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I've read that taking the pill even 10-15 min late can affect your body. That's why I switched to the nuva ring and not the pill.


If taking it at 9:30 was working for her, she should go back to taking it at 9:30. If it's better to take it at 6:30, then she should switch to that time. Just be consistent.


Use a condom this round of pills.

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I've read that taking the pill even 10-15 min late can affect your body. That's why I switched to the nuva ring and not the pill.


If taking it at 9:30 was working for her, she should go back to taking it at 9:30. If it's better to take it at 6:30, then she should switch to that time. Just be consistent.


Use a condom this round of pills.


I've been on the pill for 14 years and have always taken it when I get up. Depending on my work schedule, some days that is 4:45 am and other days it's 8 am- 9am. On my day off it may be as late as 11 am ( I work late hours till after midnight many shifts). I've never had a problem.


I think your gf should be fine, and if she's used to taking it at 9:30 than tell her to keep taking it at that time. Whatever time she is more likely to remember is better, so if 6:30 is not her usual time it's better to keep on her previous schedule.

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