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No I can't just read yours I'd need you to be in person to do it or to know you really well for that and have some kind of connection with you....all if I can say if what I read was for the future was for my ex which I think it was...shes in for a doozy.....my future actually gets better....hope....healing......told me to work...make music....change is going to happen....old part of me is dying......also some woman...a woman who is strong....powerful.....brings balance....that should be fun

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i saw a tarot card reader a year ago roughly (i didn't pay, she offered to test out her skills on me!), i am a huge skeptic, i didn't believe her until everything she said was true (guessing how long my partner and i had been together, who my most trusted friend was, etc.) i'd never met her before and she didn't know who i was, but she got a lot of things right. she predicted a lot of things would happen in the following 6 months that DID happen...

Kinda wish i knew her number or something now!!

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I asked my magic 8 ball if he still loves me and it said.."don't count on it!"


The trick with a magic 8 ball is to ask if the previous was correct whenever you get one that you don't like. Never fails. According to mine, I'm now the smartest, richest, best-looking guy on the planet. Must be true.

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The trick with a magic 8 ball is to ask if the previous was correct whenever you get one that you don't like. Never fails. According to mine, I'm now the smartest, richest, best-looking guy on the planet. Must be true.


You thought that about yourself before you asked the 8 ball!!!!

I know how you are!!!!

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