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finding the one


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I'm praying everynight for God to send the right girl my way. He doesn't answer. I pray "Lord I've searched long and hard for the right girl you have in mind for me; please send her my way." I continue to have strong faith in the Lord and I'm fully devoted to him. I'm lonely. What is it about me that girls don't like?

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There is that saying to becareful what you wish for...


And, let it be known that God can and does have a sense of humor.


I prayed to God to help take away the pain that I was still feeling months after a breakup and if I wasn't supposed to be with this man who was I supposed to be with. Keep in mind this is the first time I had ever said anything like this in a prayer... EVER.


Three hours later some guy who likes me but I'm not too hot about him drunk dials me... . I just looked up and said REALLY, GOD? You think I really need to be with a man like that! At least I could laugh.


I'm not trying to trivialize your pain - I'm really not. I totally sympathize with you and being lonely can be so hard.


I will say that for every major love I've had in my life is when I wasn't really looking... it just happened.


Get involved in your chruch groups, volunteer, do something you like... there's something out there for everyone and I mean it... who knew that square dancing with your lama was a national phenonmenon?


You'll bump into your lady when you least expect it!


Good Luck!

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It kinda reminds me of this story where a struggling boxer is about to go into the ring for an important fight and his mother told his trainer/manager that she had been praying to god for him to win. The trainer/manager replied "that's great, but if he can hit it would help". Or something like that.


Somewhere out there there's a girl who is praying to meet a fella. You need to find this girl. Cast your net really wide and don't give up hope.

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it has tome from you... lying in your bed 'praying' isn't going to help.


What kinds of pro-active things have you done about it? i.e joined a dating site? joined a new clyb / gym/ class? Go out on your own and make the effort to talk to new people??

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Just always remember the phrase in a prayer "Thy will be done" but of course you also have to help yourself by doing some actions. when i broke up with my ex ex, i always prayed for the right girl for me. then there was an answered prayer. I met her in a christian community. we've been together for 1 and a half year. during those 1.5 year we never had a fight or big argument but she just broke up with me 2 weeks ago because of she has some personal problems to be solved. it's really painful to break up with the girl that you know that she's God's gift to you. I know that God is just giving us this trial to measure how strong is our faith to him and I know that he's got better plans for us. I'm still praying that we can be together again someday. just keep praying!

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That's the same as I'd be sittin' & praying for having a snack right now - no, you won't get something unless you get out, do what you can do the best (either your job or hobby), don't wait for a girl at all...

I know it's hard not to think at all about girls, but it takes training...

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I'm praying everynight for God to send the right girl my way. He doesn't answer. I pray "Lord I've searched long and hard for the right girl you have in mind for me; please send her my way." I continue to have strong faith in the Lord and I'm fully devoted to him. I'm lonely. What is it about me that girls don't like?


So. you pray well thats excellent for you


but you have to go out there believe and try. which means going to stores, working your butt off. this is how prayer works...........and you may need to fine tune your macking skills


just beacuse you pray on something does not discard you from real life. still have to try and get help and thats what we are here for

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