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How will you show to your ex that you're still around for her even if you're N.C.


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Hi, just wondering. How will you show or how will your girlfriend (ex ) feel that you're still around for them even if you're having no contact. It's been already 2 weeks since we broke up. just wanna make her feel that im still in love with her. She broke up with me 2 weeks ago, because of her personal problems. Now, im still confused what should i do next and when will i make my move.

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Is the simple answer.


The whole point of No Contact is not meant to be to make them miss you. It's meant to allow you to heal and move on.

Don't see it as a game.


She broke up with you, and you have to take that as you will never be with her again. For your mental health you must begin to grieve and heal.

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She broke up with you and thereforeeee should not get the benefit of your warmth and caring. If she has personal problems and decided to dump you so that she could work them out...then let her work them out on her own without the benefit of your support and comfort. She made the choice then let her live with it.

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Jomb28, showing your ex that you are still in love with her is NOT the way to go. She will NOT come back if you do that. OR, she might come back and take advantage of your feelings until she does something better. I would keep to the NC, but do you have any mutual friends who could maybe drop her a hint (in passing conversation so it doesn't look TOOO contrived), that you are doing well, moving on, happy, etc. Ex's don't always like to see the dumpees move on and be happy, esp if THEY themselves are NOT completely healed yet.

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YOU can't make her feel anything. YOu can still be in love with her but she may not feel the same way. That is why you stay NC and don't contact her just as all the other posts suggest. Give her exactly what she wants, as difficult and painful as that is....you need to do it. Focus on yourself and doing what you need to heal.

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Hi, just wondering. How will you show or how will your girlfriend (ex ) feel that you're still around for them even if you're having no contact. It's been already 2 weeks since we broke up. just wanna make her feel that im still in love with her. She broke up with me 2 weeks ago, because of her personal problems. Now, im still confused what should i do next and when will i make my move.


When you get dumped you get very irrational.


1. Don’t contact her for any reason until you have healed and moved on

2. Everything you do is pushing her away.



My tips is , Go NC for two-three months and then you contact her and set up a short meeting, play it like it was your first date. No talk about the break up just is light-hearted. You are the one that say, Oh, I most go I’m in a hurry. You can tell her that you are going to meet a friend and what you will do. She will be like "Who’s that friend". Then you go, it’s a friend from school/work/from a course and rush way. Then 2-3 weeks after you contact her again and is “all that”, this meeting will of course be little longer. Maybe 1-2 hours. Then you wait for her to contact you, if she does she is “maybe” wants you back, if she don’t contact you. * * * * her.


The only card we can play with here is time. Give it time but do not wait more then 3 months because women tend to move on very fast and you don’t want them to have another boyfriend. Then you most go NC like forever.


I have not this card but if you have, use it. If you have common friends, be very cool about the break up; don’t talk about the break up. Its sends a very clear message to your ex that you don’t care that she dumped you that you have moved on. People want what they can not have. Remember that. Another tactic (That I can not use) is to take her out with some friends and make out with some girl in front of her. It will trigger jealousy.


Look at your ex as an object. Then you can think more clearly about this thing.

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Thanks for all of your opinions this past two weeks i'm trying N.C. and still healing myself. We do belong in one circle of friends and i know that they might be a good help. actually, since yesterday until this morning i was feeling cool then suddenly we saw each other in the church. she sat in front of then we just say hi. then when i saw her, i felt like it was in our first week of our break up. I really don't know what i feel, i don't know if i will be glad to see her or i will be sad. Yeah, all i can do right now is to wait for the right time. I know that all of our friends are also concerned about us.

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I'm certain my ex knows how much I love her and knows that I'm there for her. I'm respecting her by not intruding on her new relationship, and I'm taking care of myself at this point. She is not my problem. If she needs me, she knows where to find me. If she doesn't need me, why the hell would I want to keep chasing her?

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