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How do I figure out if she's lesbian or not?


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Ok so I wanted to ask a girl to prom, and a friend of mine has this huge suspicion that she's lesbian. I've also heard from others that she may be bi...


What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to figure out if she is or not or should I just go and ask? I don't really know what to do because I've never been in a situation like this before


Sorry for all the posts lately, it's just been on my mind...

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Go and ask her to the prom. Maybe apologetically acknowledge to her that you don't even know if she even likes boys. That way she won't be offended that you thought she was straight if she is a lesbian.


All in all she should take it as a compliment that you asked, even if she isn't straight.

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I think you should do something really cute that she cant say no to. just show her your a nice guy.

lets see. i always thought itd be really cute to send her a rose in each class with a card that has a word on each that adds up to "will you go to prom with me?" and you should give her the last rose in person. or whatever else...be creative! and then just make sure you say something telling her that you just want to get to know her better, even just as friends, make it casual, so she doesnt feel like theres any comittment.

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Quote/I think you should do something really cute that she cant say no to. just show her your a nice guy.

lets see. i always thought itd be really cute to send her a rose in each class with a card that has a word on each that adds up to "will you go to prom with me?" and you should give her the last rose in person. or whatever else...be creative! and then just make sure you say something telling her that you just want to get to know her better, even just as friends, make it casual, so she doesnt feel like theres any comittment./Quote


Sorry I don't know how to quote things here, but I tried something cute once with a girl and I just came on too strong and it just kinda sucked afterwards...


I always get myself into things like this, like something goes well and then something just totally buckles up on itself. It's like a neverending circle thingy...


I think Lucy might have the right idea, I was thinking of doing that but wasn't sure if it was right, or offensive or anything

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I was thinking of doing that but wasn't sure if it was right, or offensive or anything

yeah, it depends. If she's not out, or if she's straight and doesn't want to be misunderstood, then she might take offense that you thought she wasn't straight. Probably best to get to know her a bit better first if you can. I fdon't know what age prom is.


By the way, to do quotes, you press quote, and then when you type your contribution before or after the quote, make sure you keep all the text in brackets on each end of the quote in tact. You can delete some of the actual quote, but make sure you don't delete any brackets or anything within the brackets.

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NO! NO! NO!! Do NOT ask her if she is a lesbian!


First off, it is incredibly RUDE!





If you like this girl, go ahead and ask her (to the prom, that is). I'll assume that, since this is (again I'm assuming) a "first date", you do not have a big romantic whoop-de-do planned. If such is the case, her sexual orientation is irrelevant.


And you shouldn't be listening to rumors like that, anyway.

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Randomly unrelated...


CrashTestDummy, is your pic from Tetris Attack? Do you play it? I love that game!


Oh, and don't just up and ask her if she's a lesbian. She'll be self-conscious for a really long time if she's straight and you ask her that question. Just ask her to the prom, and go from there.

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why does it matter if she is a lesbian or not?

if you want to take this girl to the prom, you should ask her.

are you assuming that taking someone to the prom is going to lead to intimacy or even sex? why can't you just ask her to go with you as a friend?

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^ Well, as a one-on-one situation, going to the prom with someone of the opposite sex would generally be assumed to be a date unless very clearly agreed upon otherwise by both people beforehand. Generally, if you're going to something like that with friends, you go in groups I think. Also, he's obviously looking for a date and not just "a friend to go with." Not to say there would be anything wrong with pursuing her as just a friend, but this is the PROM.


Um, but yeah I would I just ask her if she's interested as others have said. If she's not for any reason (including lesbianism) I would assume she'll make that obvious enough. If she says no, look for someone else to ask.

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Well I wasn't thinking of it leading to sex, my friend just said to find out if she's lesbian or not because she might be he says


I've heard from other sources that she might be bi, but that's good I guess.


My friend said if she had any interest of guys then she'd definitely go with me, I've known her for a while and we have good laughs a lot...


I think I'm just gonna ask her without asking about her orientation, and if she mentions it, I'll have a positive attitude about it.


I'm just unsure if she'd go with me as a friend if she were lesbian, I mean, does it matter? Does anyone think she won't go with me because of that?

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i think what you have said in the post above makes the most sense!

if she is a friend, it should not matter if she sleeps with men, women or beasts.

if your friend is so concerned about finding out about this girls sexual orientation, why doesn't he ask her?


just as a point of interest. does anyone have any idea what this kind of speculation about a persons sexual orientation does to the person concerned? i've lived through it and it can cause a lot of pain and hurt.

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