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I need Help, I screwed up


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So yesterday me and my GF were on a date at my house. We were having fun and cuddling and what not. Well i got a call on my cell from her best friend. She wanted to hang out with my GF. But to do so she had to leave right away. She asked me if she could go and i said no. I wanted to be with her at the time and she should feel the same way. But she went anyway, which made me sad and angry. after a while i got a call from her friend again and i picked up and said Dont call my phone anymore and then i hung up. After a while i wanted to talk to my GF because i missed her. Well her friend started * * * * * ing at me and she said i was rude and was a bastard and a * * * * * * * . That pissed me off so i came back with swearing and anger. Today my GF is mad at me and says im immature, im selfish and shes mad. What do i do now to make it better. She is being hard to talk to now and i dont know how to explain to her that i am sorry.

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Well, it sounds to me like this friend is no friend because she is getting what she wanted...to drive a wedge in between you and your girlfriend. You shouldn't have mouthed off like that, however, your girlfriend has a lot to answer to as well. If the two of you were on a date, she had no business walking out on you to get together with her friend. The only way that would be acceptable would be if the friend was in trouble. Aside from that, your girlfriend had plans with you and basically she stood you up by walking away. Her friend had no business calling your cell phone..why couldn't she call your girlfriend's cell phone? I think you need to sit down and talk to your girlfriend...apologize for getting angry...and then tell her that what she did was also out of line and that it was unacceptable. In other words, acknowledge where you went wrong and then tell her why you are so upset. If she still twists it around on you and doesn't want to acknowledge that she behaved badly, then I would suggest walking away from her...she is not treating you right.

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I know i was out of line, Im trying right now to manage my anger and it helps. I should have taken the situation more maturely. And my GF doesnt have a Cell phone but i still think it was rude to call just to take my GF away.

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I agree with Carzyaboutdogs. Your girlfriend was wrong to walk out on you, especially having asked if it was OK and you saying no. You reacted in the wrong way and for that you should apologise. But you should also make it clear that you won't tolerate rude and disrespectful behaviour from her either.

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There are always two sides to every story, and we obviously don't have the other side, so I can't comment there. She could have been a b**ch by leaving, or you could be immature by telling her she can't go. I dunno.


The only thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is that your GF's best friend has probably been her best friend longer than you've even known her. Shooting your mouth off to her is like shooting yourself in the foot.


My $0.02 is that your GF shouldn't have asked you if she could go if she wasn't going to honor your request for her not to. That said, the correct answer to that question is about the same as the answer to a question like "do you like my haircut".

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Have you and your girl-friend been hanging out a lot and neglecting your other friends?? One of my friend's felt guilty that she was spending a lot of time with her boy-friend and was not giving me the time of day. Your girl-friend could be feeling guilty. I, however, would call my friend's phone, not her boy-friend's.

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