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Getting Hard Issues


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So I've met this new girl and it's been 8 months since I've haven't been involved in sex. And well we were fooling around last night and I was a bit nervous and I would get hard but then lose it from nerves and worried in my mind. Do I have a getting hard problem or does nerves play a big role? Pretty much should I relax and just go with the flow? I can get hard on my own time but having someone new just a bit nervous

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You pretty much answered your own question. All guys are at that point somewhere in their life. I've lost it out of frustration and nervousness too. It's normal. If you can get it up on your own time, then it's probably just a nerves thing.

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Its a psychological issue, not a physical issue. If you can get hard on your own through masturbation or through other sexual activities, your bits are fine.


You just need to figure out why exactly you were nervous. New girl? Trying to perform? Impress her? etc etc...it will come with time, but just relax.

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There isn't any hard and fast (sorry for the pun) rules. Sometimes you nerves will get the better of you and I always think it important to tell the person that, after all it's usually because you want to please them and thats never a bad thing. Experiance is a huge key, the more times you try it the easier itll get and soon enough you'll wonder why it was ever a problem.


Good luck

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i don't know if you are old enough but there have been a couple of times in my past where the first time i slept with a certain girl i was nervous and had a little trouble. then the second time i had a couple of beer to just relax my body and that worked great for me. plus, drinking beer just make me horny so that helps too.

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