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Help me!! what is wrong with me?


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Hello i am 22 years old, male.

A little about my self.

when I was 11 my parents divorced, I blamed my self and thought i had nothing to look to. My mom remarried and I had a real father to teach me but, my parents divorce still plague my mind. Then as i grew older I got violent and rude, on top of that my uncle died at 24 yrs old when I was 16. I was on drugs for ADHD u know the so called cure from doctor's.


when I was in middle school I was trying build up my self esteem but every time I got knocked down by a mentally abusive father, then because of issues with my temper and bullies i was home schooled all they way through middle school and high school, I grad in 05, I have been in school for 3 years now and no degree. I know what I want to do and I will have an 2 year at the end of the year. But here is my issue


I know that every one has had a hard time in life and it makes them stronger, but * When I try to be strong and be confident in my self I always get negative!](*,)


I was at one time working as an artist for a magazine and moving really fast but when i started playing games amongst other things i started to slow down. I was 16 yrs old at the time.

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I want to mature and grow up, and I am scared that i will lose the love of my life if I don't hurry up. What can i do ?


I was at one time working as an artist for a magazine and moving really fast but when i started playing games amongst other things i started to slow down. I was 16 yrs old at the time.


You play too many video games!!! Maturity stems from life experience.

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how can i get rid of this negativity?


You can rid of negativity by focusing your mind on positivity. Over the prior years, you have wired your brain to seek the negative through experience. As a result, you must rewire your thinking.There is no easy way out. Consider meditation. Consider an entirely different outlook on experience.

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Hi there,

It's very easy to be negative when all you see around you are bad experiences. Try focusing on the good things that have happened in your life, as you said your step dad was there for you-- How about your mom, friends, teachers, your girlfriend? There is always good and bad and it's not the bad times that define us but how we choose to respond to them.

I bet you're a strong person having gone through all that you have...

Hey, maybe you should quit gaming so much and get out there and have some real fun

Focus on the good things you have achieved. Always look for the positive.

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hmm, 3 yrs playing wow, im pretty sure uve accomplished alot since u started playing. Ive played it for almost 2 yrs.


Think of all the energy you focused on wow, lvling, gear, raids, etc. Im sure uve done well but isnt it time to quit and move on to new things?


You ARE stronger u just aint know it yet. Go out and live a little have fun dude make new friends be more social.


Wish you the best!

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