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Miss him. Worst part not having anyone to share...

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Awww! Tazzy cat! I had a cat named Muffy for 12 years...I loved her so MUCH! She got cancer and I had to have her put down! Was a TERRIBLE time in my life...I get tears thinking about it!! I put her on a memorial website...made me feel good to honor her memory, so I know what you mean! Now I just have my Belle girl!


image removed BELLE

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Awesome looking cat..Sorry for hijacking this thread..I've not told my story yet(kinda feels like an episode of LOST), but in time when I can actually word it right, I'll post my story..(and damn what a movie of the week it would make)

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The thing with not sticking to NC in times like this is even tho it brings TEMPORARY relief when you are lonely it is like relieving the same bad dream over and over. NC hurts for a good while but you are on your way to a healing path everyday. The pain lessens. Those who refuse to do NC live on an up and down plane of torment. They put the bandaid on and it gets ripped off again and it repeats.


If you didn't do NC you might feel some relief and solace from the loneliness but then what? When he speaks of her your gut gets ripped out again. Or when he leaves and there is no goodbye kiss...not being able to hug him, etc. This is serious emotional torture.


People who refuse to do NC frequently stay in an up and down emotional state constantly.

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I am definitely a dog person more than a cat person, however the ex is a cat person, and 2 of them came with her from Indiana (we gave 1 away because he didn't get along with the others) and somehow we got up to 5! I still prefer dogs, but I love my cats, too. Except the one that came with her from Indiana that sprayed me in the face Thursday night. DISGUSTING!

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The thing with not sticking to NC in times like this is even tho it brings TEMPORARY relief when you are lonely it is like relieving the same bad dream over and over. NC hurts for a good while but you are on your way to a healing path everyday. The pain lessens. Those who refuse to do NC live on an up and down plane of torment. They put the bandaid on and it gets ripped off again and it repeats.


If you didn't do NC you might feel some relief and solace from the loneliness but then what? When he speaks of her your gut gets ripped out again. Or when he leaves and there is no goodbye kiss...not being able to hug him, etc. This is serious emotional .


People who refuse to do NC frequently stay in an up and down emotional state constantly.



Jaded. I really agree with you on this one. Breaking NC is a temporary solution for a bigger problem. I don't have room for that emotional . It's completely ridiculous to do that to myself.

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