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I broke up with him because he was insecure about my virginity...but I want him back


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Why in the world would you want this abuser back in your life! Be grateful he is OUT of your life and someone else's problem. The issue was not the fact that you weren't a virgin...the issue was the the fact that he is an emotional and verbal abuser. What nerve to be upset that you had other partners when he himself had other partners. As for his new virgin girlfriend...given his abusive nature, I wouldn't doubt that he will "deflower" her and then start abusing her for no longer being a virgin. This man is sick and twisted and you are so much better off with him gone.

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Why do you want to be with someone who tortures you emotionally, puts you down, and has made the last year the hardest of your life? This honestly makes no sense at all that you want him back and you have to stop and ask yourself why you keep signing up for more and more abuse?


I think you are afraid of being alone, but being with a guy who treats you like this is worse than being alone. If you were alone, at least you'd be at peace and have a chance to find someone who does love you and not make you feel bad about life and yourself.


Your best course of action is to stop contacting him and go get some counseling for yourself to help you learn how to choose someone who is loving, not abusive. You deserve far better than this guy.

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