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How long should one wait before taking a pregnancy test?

scared and alone

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I was supposed to get my period tuesday (the 15th) and it's still not here yet. I know it could just be late for any number of reasons. So should I wait until monday to take a test? I mean I really think i'm just being paranoid, but still this kinda freaks me out lol I shouldnt freak out unless its not here by monday, right ? The thing that freaks me out most is I think we did it like right during or right after ovulation, we did use protection, but still... you never know.

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well, i got my period last month on the 15th (according to a website, it should have been here on the 12th, so i dunno) and according to that website, i should have ovulated on the 1st and we did it either that day or a day or two after. and i was supposed to get it on tuesday so yeah. i dunno. i think im gonna wait and see if it comes this weekend and if it doesnt get here by sunday (when my period is supposedly ending) i'll take one. I could just be changing cycles or all this stress is making it late. at least, I hope i'm just late and get it this weekend lol.

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