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men, blindfolded?


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You mean......during sex, right?


I let a g/f blindfold me ONCE. She was supposed to be leading me into a party.


She led me right into a door.....with glass.....35 stitches.


I think you can definitely put me down as a "no".

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I think it's hot. When you don't have your eyes, you have to rely on all your other senses to guide you. Makes for an interesting experience.


It is very hot...waiting to hear, or feel, but not able to see...makes it very sensous!

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It is always good to try new things in a relationship. Keeping the spice alive is very important.


Try it once if it is enjoyable to both of you then great. If not then you know, not to do that again...


It's always worth a try a couple that explores each others likes and dislikes will learn each other better and that is always good..


Good luck

Gina Gray

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