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Why 45+ year old women?


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1. Financial stability.

2. Sexually stable. (Not confused about whether she wants the penis or the vagina)

3. Intellectual conversation

4. More interesting 'girlfriends'

5. Possibly not influenced by hip-hop

6. Great sexual appetites

7. Lets me handle the technical s***

8. A member of a generation that can cook, for godsakes

9. Can fill me in on life in the 60s and 50s.

10. Better sense of humor


That's 1 through 10 of 8,426.


Should I list more???

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I agree. I had a rocky part of my life where I was involved with 2 older women (different times) and I swear I learnt more about life, love, sex, women, etc with those two than I did from the combined time with all my other ex's. Everything you've listed above is true.


women, like a fine wine, mature and get better with age.

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No argument here. In all fairness, though, a similarly compelling list could be compiled for women of every age. Furthermore, the striations are not absolute. There are twentysomethings who meet all the criteria you mentioned except for #9, and Google can take care of that if you really have a need to be filled in on an era which ended when today's 45-year-old was a small child. You'd have to go 60+ to get a real firsthand perspective on the Nifty Fifties.

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DB posted my thoughts exactly.

Generalizing about an age group can backfire, and at times have dabbled in it myself. A number of bitter misanthropic middle-aged women had me believing they were the norm. Fortunately it was an unrepresentative sampling.


Young women can cook, too.

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There are great 45 year olds and not so great ones. Just like there are great 25 year olds and not so great ones.


That list looks nice but not every woman in her 40s you meet will possess those traits. It is more likely that she will vs her younger counterparts but is certainly not a given.


I am 41 for example, and i like hip hop and my husband does all the cooking. LOL I surely couldn't fill you in on life in the 50s (wasnt born yet) or 60s (was a baby and toddler) anymore than I coulid tell you about the roaring 20s. LOL The rest of your list fits me. HEHE

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1. Financial stability.

2. Sexually stable. (Not confused about whether she wants the penis or the vagina)

3. Intellectual conversation

4. More interesting 'girlfriends'

5. Possibly not influenced by hip-hop

6. Great sexual appetites

7. Lets me handle the technical s***

8. A member of a generation that can cook, for godsakes

9. Can fill me in on life in the 60s and 50s.

10. Better sense of humor


That's 1 through 10 of 8,426.


Should I list more???


Good idea for a topic, but I think I might fall into a minority with your list......


I am all of the above excluding:


#4, sometimes I don't know why I hold onto the lame friends; and,


#9, my father was born in 41 so I am able to pick his brain about the different decades~ plus I am convinced I was born late... I should have been wearing a poodle skirt and high ponytail in the 50's and rockin the flower child hippy gear in the 60's~ not to mention I should have been wearing gold and high hair in a disco throughout the 70's


I'm only 25..........

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I agree, it is a bit of a generalized "list".


There are plenty of women in their 20's and 30's whom can fill in the list too (including being knowledgeable out history, even if they have not "lived" in it!).


There are also plenty of women in their 40's and beyond whom are extremely insecure, can't cook toast and really have less of a grasp on life.


In other words, you can't know what someone is like based on their generation - you really have to look at the individual including their character, personality and life experiences.

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I agree. I had a rocky part of my life where I was involved with 2 older women (different times) and I swear I learnt more about life, love, sex, women, etc with those two than I did from the combined time with all my other ex's. Everything you've listed above is true.


women, like a fine wine, mature and get better with age.



How classic! Now did your older women realize they were merely an experience in your life? This is why I don't agree with many older women and younger man relationships, it's all about using people.



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I do not agree with the whole "using people" theory. I met a woman almost a year ago and developed a friendship with her. She is 46 and her beaty immedietly caught my eye!!!!! we did our own thing for a while until fate should have it we began seeing each other out more often. I finally asked her for her number and we have been together ever since. I wouild say we have been official and exclusive for going on almost 6 months now. I am falling hard for her each and every day. We spend countless hours together and rely on each other for support whether it be for laughs, tears, problems etc.....I feel that we compliment eachh other very well and we LOVE being together in every way! The only thing about it is the age difference and I believe that when you have everything else going for you as we seem to have then age really is just nothing but a number and should be thought of as nothing more than that!!!!!!!!! I think that it is so rare that one is able to find true happiness, why alllow something as trivial as a number get in the way of it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am 41 so I was only 4 in 1970. I burn toast, but can bake great cookies and know all the words to Rappers Delite because I skated on the old school skates to it, many times including backwards, and I ripped my bright blue gloria vanderbilt cords climbing over a fence in 1980. I saw Foreigner in one of their first concerts, in 1981. I would not like dating someone who focused on my older age as what turned him on or who generalized as the OP did. Ick.

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1. Financial stability.

2. Sexually stable. (Not confused about whether she wants the penis or the vagina)

3. Intellectual conversation

4. More interesting 'girlfriends'

5. Possibly not influenced by hip-hop

6. Great sexual appetites

7. Lets me handle the technical s***

8. A member of a generation that can cook, for godsakes

9. Can fill me in on life in the 60s and 50s.

10. Better sense of humor


That's 1 through 10 of 8,426.


Should I list more???


Being an older woman I am glad to hear that someone is attracted to them.


Tell us more about how fantastic they are.

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I am 41 so I was only 4 in 1970. I burn toast, but can bake great cookies and know all the words to Rappers Delite because I skated on the old school skates to it, many times including backwards, and I ripped my bright blue gloria vanderbilt cords climbing over a fence in 1980. I saw Foreigner in one of their first concerts, in 1981. I would not like dating someone who focused on my older age as what turned him on or who generalized as the OP did. Ick.


Weren't those jeans great? I loved my Sassoons as well. Oh and JORDACHE! LOL


Blue Vanderbilts with the gold stiching. And brightly colored cords. LOL What memories. I see they are coming back in style.


I just hope those big boxy square shoulder pads don't come back in. I hated those things.

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Weren't those jeans great? I loved my Sassoons as well. Oh and JORDACHE! LOL


Blue Vanderbilts with the gold stiching. And brightly colored cords. LOL What memories. I see they are coming back in style.


I just hope those big boxy square shoulder pads don't come back in. I hated those things.


You'll be fine with the square shoulders..... as long as you saved your leg warmers to pair them with, LOL.


And thanks Ms. Firecracker. Yes, keep the compliments coming!

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Very few of those things apply to me except the insane sexual appetite and intellectual conversation. Can't cook to save my life! Why would I fill anyone in on life in the '60s? I live in 2008! I'm just as good at techie things as my bf, so that one is dead in the water, also. Did I also mention that us older gals speak our minds...constantly?

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I am 41 so I was only 4 in 1970. I burn toast, but can bake great cookies and know all the words to Rappers Delite because I skated on the old school skates to it, many times including backwards, and I ripped my bright blue gloria vanderbilt cords climbing over a fence in 1980. I saw Foreigner in one of their first concerts, in 1981. I would not like dating someone who focused on my older age as what turned him on or who generalized as the OP did. Ick.



Rapper's Delight ... can still do all 22 minutes!! (well most of it) and skating... ah this post is bringing back the memories!!

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