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Guys: How do you answer...


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I'd answer it by saying I'm more in tune with ladies than are more mature, that have that little bit of life experiance. That I find it easier to connect and they just seem to 'get me' more than those that are my age, and that I get them too because they are looking for something more than a quick roll in the sack.


But I'm lucky in that my olds would never question me.

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I'd answer it by saying I'm more in tune with ladies than are more mature, that have that little bit of life experiance. That I find it easier to connect and they just seem to 'get me' more than those that are my age, and that I get them too because they are looking for something more than a quick roll in the sack.


But I'm lucky in that my olds would never question me.


That is my exact answer also.


I would also add that Atlanta is home of the confused sexuality. The women my age will get in a disagreement with their man and then hop into the sack with another woman to piss him off. As Danny Glover and Mel Gibson would say 'I'm to old for this s***!'

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Well, its different...usually people go for someone around their own age...sometimes there is an agenda, but in your case its odd since younger men rarely date older women unless they want some experienced sex. People just ask that because they are curious b/c you're different.

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...probably the most popular, but annoying question, asked by family and friends.


Why can't you find someone your own age?


How say you?


Not an issue of mine, but how about:

I look for women who I am attracted to, not because of their age.

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Yeah, I can hear that one dude: " I would also add that Atlanta is home of the confused sexuality. The women my age will get in a disagreement with their man and then hop into the sack with another woman to piss him off. As Danny Glover and Mel Gibson would say 'I'm to old for this s***!'


We live in a very sexually confused city also... The amount of gay people to straight people is probably 2 to 1 at least...

I really have trouble finding guys my age too.... or if they are close to my age, they, too, also want "another man"! not my cup of tea....


So.. I would say to them, "well, because I'm an enlightened man, and I'm not prejudiced against someone because of their age. How they are as a person is what appeals to me, not what date is on their driver's license!"


LOL, that way, you sort of put out the idea that they are being "small-minded" cuz honestly, if gays can get married, and men can date other men and women can kiss other women on tv, and all that type of thing, then to say to a str8 man, he cannot date outside his age group, is nothing other than discrimination!

Come on, it's 2008, can't we be a bit more open-minded now, instead of like the poster above say, men very RARELY date older women.


I think older women have been discriminated against for long enough. It's depressing how oppresive this mindset is actually.

There is nothing really attactive about an older guy in terms of looks, if he's aging either... I mean, do you really want to date a guy with a paunch, who's going bald and needs viagra is you are a young chick in her 20s... but that type of thing is not only okay, it's encouraged!

So. i say my hats off to you for sticking to your guns... But tell me, I'm still a little confused if you would date women your age if they were not bisexual...

I hate to ask you this, but I'm curious, if all the women your age were all totally str8, would you THEN still date women older than you?

Cuz the way you worded it, I'm wondering if you feel you are sort of "settling" for the older women, which i find kind of troubling.

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when I was in my 20's - I always dated men in their 40's. They were more stable, secure, reliable, optioned, they were more rational and I loved seeing myself as the "trophy"...while quite often they didn't view it that way all.


In my now in my 40's...I've been with the same someone for 9 years, we're within 5 years.


He said all his dating life, and in his marriage for 20 years, he was always with older women - by at least 8-10 years.


So why at 40...did he start dating someone 35 and now would never date someone older than himself......same reason I wouldn't date someone 20 years older than me now either.


We've been around that block - it was great when he was 27 and she was 36...it wasn't bad when she was 45 and he was 36....he thought it was infinitely less fun and desirable, and she was less active..when he was 40 and she was 49. Today, he's 50...and he shudders at the thought of being with a woman "almost 60" and i have about the same response......if i were still in my old pattern, I'd be 45...dating someone 65 or maybe even as old as John McCain.


Being with ssomeone your age, as you come of age..that's important.

Being with someone your age when you're still defining your life and priorities....it's not that big an issue.

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I'd answer that there isn't a reason to give an answer. Age gap relationships are just like any other, they have the same issues. Age differences don't really change the dynamic as much as people think, the basic needs are still there. You have to love, respect and communicate with you partner. If you communicate your needs and listen to your partner you can do any thing, just like in a non-age gap relationship.

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...probably the most popular, but annoying question, asked by family and friends.


Why can't you find someone your own age?


How say you?



I have seen a few posts of yours on this topic and quite honestly maybe you are one of those old souls who can't connect well with women your age. Some guys are like that.


If you feel more comfortable with the women you have dated there comes a time you have to shrug off the opinions of familes and friends if you feel it is the right thing for you.

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...probably the most popular, but annoying question, asked by family and friends.


Why can't you find someone your own age?


How say you?


I get asked this a lot. It is an annoying question and they really need to mind their own business but I usually answer that older women usually know what they want, are easier to talk to, and for the most part, they don't care what other people think. They've been around the block a few times and aren't looking to play games

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