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Guys who ignore girls-Why???


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When a guy ignores a girl how can you tell if its because he is shy and intimidated by her but really likes her,or is just not interested in her????How to know??? I am referring to a guy who sometimes makes efforts to get my attention but someitmes he will ignore me like won't say hi to me when he sees me with our friends...Whats up with this kind of behaior?

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When a guy ignores a girl how can you tell if its because he is shy and intimidated by her but really likes her,or is just not interested in her????How to know???


You can't know until you are well skilled in mind reading.

If you want to know how he feels about you, stop wondering and find a way to broach the issue yourself.

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My two cents from personal experience:


I used to ignore the girl I like. I became very aware of my problem and I fixed it. I did it because for some odd reason I wouldn't want her to know I'm interested. It's strange, and I don't understand my thinking.. I mean, don't I WANT her to know I have some interest?


I would like her, and activly try not to look, and sometimes I would look and worry that she thinks I'm staring at her, and just blah blah blah. I would over think it bad. When I didn't like a girl, I would treat her no different than I would any random guy.


So ya, it happens.

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In my experience if you are bieng treated differently and being avoided (awkwardness, no-little eye contact, blushing, staring) its bcuz there is some interest there like the above poster explained...and maybe he too doesn't want to make it obvious for whatever reason. Wether or not the person can pursue it at some point or even flirt with you a bit, will depend on them and the extent of their shyness and nervousness.


You may need to slowly pull them in, possibly start small with a "hello" or "good morning" everytime you see the person.


Good Luck - Keep us posted =)

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More details needed, but typically, I ignore someone that I don't like - usually if someone has crossed me. I don't think that is the best solution for me - to ignore someone - but I know that's how I 'operate' if I was hurt by someone.


As a kid I probably ignored girls I liked, but that was probably in 6th grade.

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See.. but how do you determine if he's ignoring you because he likes you or because he doesn't?


Maybe the best test would be to see if he's nice when you speak to him. If so, then he likes you but is too shy to initiate conversation. That, or he wants to play off the fact that he's interested because he doesn't know whether the interest is mutual.


I mean, if a guy ignoring you acts annoyed when you speak to him, then his avoidance of you would mean 'not into you, sorry' .. lol.

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