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Just need some support.


Almost a year ago, my bf dumped me. Thought he was "The One" and everything and all the emotions that go with it was felt and dreamed and hoped. It almost consumed me for months. I then was ok and dealing with it for a few months and now it has come back again but with a vengence! I miss him as much if not more the day he let me go. I can barely function. I sometimes have to remind myself to even breathe. How am I ever going to get over this and move on?

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I'm in a similar situation now. My ex's bday is coming up on Saturday and this brings up a ton of emotions...ones that I thought I had control over but apparently don't!


Just hang in there. It's normal to have these feelings, especially if you haven't moved on with someone else. Just focus your energy on something more productive than thinking about him and what you had. Work on projects -- that has helped me tremendously. Go on a vacation -- my trip to Hawaii helped clear my mind. Plan a party. I'm currently planning a benefit concert at a local coffee shop. The more you keep busy, the more your mind will stay off of him and the past.


I'm sure you love/loved him with all your heart, but it's time to move past this and look towards the future. You are free now to do whatever it is that makes you happy and fulfilled as a person. Cherish this time and figure out what you want from life -- because you will eventually find the "one" you are really meant to be with...and you want to be ready for him!


Take care and keep busy...it works!

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Just need some support.


Almost a year ago, my bf dumped me. Thought he was "The One" and everything and all the emotions that go with it was felt and dreamed and hoped. It almost consumed me for months. I then was ok and dealing with it for a few months and now it has come back again but with a vengence! I miss him as much if not more the day he let me go. I can barely function. I sometimes have to remind myself to even breathe. How am I ever going to get over this and move on?


sorry to hear that... if you want to move on you got to verbally say to yourself you are moving on...


my 1st ex.. i was with her for 5 years.. after the breakup... i was devasted for months... after 4-5 years i learnt that she is getting married... i was not into her at that time... but i felt crush...


so it is actually normal to feel for someone after a long time...


you will be fine.. hang in there...

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